This One's Gonna Be Good!

Sep 12, 2004 22:42

So, wow! I haven't written in here for a long time! Many awesome things have been happening lately. Let's make a list, shall we?

*I asked Bill to Homecoming. (Yeah, I know...FINALLY! I owe Emily one now-thanks babe!)
*He said yes. (This HAS to be separate because the other one's there because I'm proud of my boldness.)
*I co-purchased some rockin' cds with my girl Allison. (Wicker Park Soundtrack, 13 Going On 30 Soundtrack, Best of Terri Clark, and Madonna's Immaculate Collection! lol)
*I got my homecoming dress and purse! (Tre cute!)
*I went shopping with Morgen and Sasha! (What's up ladies? hehe)
*Allison started working at MJR!!! YAY!!!
*And, to top it all off, Bill and I went on our first "date" tonight. (The quotations are there because I'm not sure if we were just hanging out as friends or what...we'll see.)

I'm sure you guys are DYING to know what we did so:

~We went to the movies to see The Excorcist! (He jumped more than I did...HAHA! lol)
~He forced me to eat a M&M Blizzard at Dairy Queen because he wanted me to eat with him...Geez! I hate it when boys want to buy me ice cream! :)
~We talked about lots of nifty stuff and it was great!
~We listened to some sweet music in his car! (His own mix, of course)
~I realized that I really like this kid. :-D

I'm such a giggly girl right now, you have no idea. I wish I could go on and on about how good I'm feeling right now, but I have to go upstairs and go to bed otherwise you're not gonna be able to get me out of it tomorrow! I love you guys! Here's to an equally happy tomorrow!!!


P.S. Emily and Brandi~ Tara told me you were at the movies when I was there with two specific boys...You better BELIEVE you owe me a play-by-play of everything that went down before, during and after!!! lol You know you wanna tell your pal why you're smiling! :)

P.P.S. Emily- Thanks for the KILLER cd, friend! I heart it times ten!!!

P.P.P.S. <- (Wow lol) Kim, I can't wait until the 24th!!! BRITS ARE SO HOT!
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