Aug 14, 2005 23:21
The Enigma that is the LJ Comment
So, I figured it's about time I wrote a rant about The LJ Comment. *suspense sxf*
What makes people want to comment on a post? Is it the person who is the poster? The content of the post? Obligation?
I initially thought it was pictures. People would rather not have to use their brain when viewing a post, and therefore are more likely to comment on something they haven't had to think about rather than a block of writing they're more likely to pass over.
After quite a while of posting pictures on my journal, comments on pictures are far and few between. Obviously, as anything.. people must be sick of seeing the same ol'.
I've seen people who have lots of people on their friends list and post a mix of photos and writing that get barely any comments, and then people with few friends who get many comments regardless of what they post.
It's interesting just what content that will make a user want to comment, and what content noone will feel they want to leave their mark against.
From a community point of view, this one has been interesting as far as comments go. A question might get everyone comment, whereas another will get no responses.
Perhaps it's the time of day something is posted? If people have to go back too far on their friends page, they'll be less likely to post.
Any theories?
What makes YOU comment on something?