Day three

Feb 04, 2007 20:24

Still sweating, nose won't stop running, but the phantom aches are better. I ate toast today, a step up, since my stomach accepted it with only a little complaint.

I can't stop thinking about it though. My mouth waters at the throught of neurofen. I need distraction

Boredom is the enemy, which is hard for me, because my job has the habit of boring me out of my brain 80% of the time.

Still, I lost my job, something I thought I'd be doing forever, and I found a new one.

I lost my best friend, and still, I'm here. Not exactly in complete health, but still here.

Work tomorrow is going to be a challenge. I'm honestly scared, worried about how I'll cope.

Roll on, day 4.

I can do this.

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