1. Comment on this post.
2. I will give you a letter.
3. Think of 5 fictional characters and post their names and your comments on these characters in your LJ.
4. ...
5. Profit.
empressvesica gave me the letter R.
1. Reynolds, Malcolm - Probably my favorite character, like, ever. What's not to love? Sorry, I can't come up with a single thing. I could rattle things off about Mal all day and still forget a few reasons but regardless of all of that - you just can't put Nathan Fillion (in the role he was born for) and Joss Whedon (in his greatest work) together and NOT end up with something beyond the realm of all things wonderous.
2. Riggins, Tim - Now, Friday Night Lights is glorious and an all around excellent show, but if I'm being honest with myself I would totally admit that I would not look forward to and enjoy it half as much were it not for Tim Riggins. Wounded, angry, searching, dry, passionate, awesome - he is played by perfection by Taylor Kitsch and I love him to bits and pieces. The number 33 will never be the same again.
3. Robin Scherbatsky - I have just discovered the complete awesomeness that is HIMYM and honestly, she is just part of that brilliant ensemble. The show is underwatched and underrated but I laugh harder at this group than I do during Entourage. It literally sometimes hurts me to marathon this show because at the end I have a laugh hangover. Plus she is the ying to Barney Stinson's yang - that makes her pretty damn awesome in her own right to me.
4. Rose Tyler - Let me start by saying that I am new to the Doctor Who fandom, and I have only seen S1 and S2 once now - but so far it has taken a bit for Rose to grow on me. I started out watching S3 then S4 and honestly, it took until the last handful of episodes of S2 (when I started back over from the beginning) for Rose to stop bothering me at least a little. I can appreciate the character, but for me personally I just don't understand what made her so special. But as I said I think that is part of my warped viewing habits of the series. I have made a deal with myself that I will give it a few months and then start the entire series over from the beginning. Figured I'd purge my preconceptions and first impressions and then give it another go. So then we'll see.
5. Regulus Arcturus Black - R.A.B. - We hardly knew ya. Well, technically we never really knew him but considering how central he was to the endgame secrets in the HP series, we well should have. He is a character I wouldn't mind reading some really good fanfic on - if I read HP fanfic that is.