Driving home tonight, I made a few extra turns and went passed two houses that I used to live in. It was wierd to see different lights and plants and cars. Then I was sort of spaced out and I accidentally drove to school! I followed the same path that I used to take to LBCC. At least I did not end up at my high school, that would be worse.
Akward conversations are going to take place soon, but they are necessary. I am trying to get all of my relationships back to normal. Two conversations are left before this happens.
On a different note, I was supposed to be an officer in this honors club. But the president and vice president (a communications major) forgot to communicate to me that I was not going to do it anymore. Which is fine, but you'd think that they could have at least told me, instead of reading about the girl who took my position in the Honors Student Association Newsletter.
I am so tired, it is ridiculous. I will not be able to sleep in for a long time, I keep having to be places no later than 9 every day of the week, and I still have to stay up late doing homework and whatnot. I want to quit my job, but I still love all of the people who work there (and those who used to work there, Marisa <3) and that makes it harder. My mom suggested taking like... november-january off from there with the understanding that if I can work things out, I'll be back in February, so that if I get another job, it's no big deal, but if I cannot, I have a back up. My old boss from Cold Stones is opening up a restaurant soon and he wants all of his ice cream people to be waitresses and stuff.
Alright, goodnight.
Oh, and somebody inspire me, please.
changeable.net has been dead. Can anybody help me instal movable type? If so, PLEASE email me, seventyx7@gmail.com.