Mar 05, 2006 17:05
Well, last night I went to the Purple House (I don't know why it's called that, so don't ask) for Truck City Party. A good time, I had a few beers, and thankfully my liver did not explode from the mono. Unfortunately, I had to go by the name Googie Fragwa for most of the night, but that's because apparently you have to have a dorky name to live in Truck City.
Spring break is next week. I'm actually looking forward to it quite a bit. I need to go home for a little bit. I want to go shopping too, and DeKalb doesn't really offer the finest in retail outlets, so I'm excited to go get some cute things in Chicago.
My roommate went home this weekend, so it's been nice to dance to Andrew W.K. at four in the morning without any repercussions. Ha.
Oh yeah...and ...
Go see From Here On After at the House Cafe on Saturday.
It'll be golden.