Theatrical_Muse: Topic Week of May 6 - 12, 2005

May 11, 2005 17:05

Which are you more afraid of: Being too gullible and believing things that aren't true, or being too skeptical and missing out on something important?

Growin' up in a bad part of LA. Was never really given the chance to be too gullible. If I had, woulda ended up six feet under real fast at the hands of some rival gang or big bad demons.

So from an early age, I learned not to be very trustin' of anyone. Was always skeptical about the motives of anyone that offered to help. Like the first time I met Angel. Just thought he was some middle-class dead white guy that didn't know crap about what it was like to live on the streets of South Central Los Angeles. And the fact that he was a vampire didn't help with the me trustin' him either. Course to Angel's credit, didn't let the fact that me and my gang tried to dust him, stop him from helpin' save my crew from a gang of vamps that were terrorizin' my hood.

Angel's actions spoke louder than any words could've. He showed me that I shouldn't be so skeptical that I only see the world in black and white. Cause is some shades of gray out there. Like Angel, who is a good guy vampire that wants to actually help folks, and fight for makin' the world a better place. If I'd been to skeptical to give him a chance. And instead just dusted him liked I'd done hundreds of other vamps. Then I woulda missed out on the most important things that I coulda possibly experienced in my life. Like bein' a part of his team. Becomin' friends with Cordy, Wes, Lorne, & Spike. Fallin' in love with Fred. So in my case guess bein' a little gullible actually paid off. I actually got to help fight for a better tomorrow.

So yeah guess I would be more afraid that I was too skeptical of someone's motives and therefore lost a chance at havin' a future together. It's better to risk bein' too gullible. Sometimes you just gotta take the chance and trust your heart. If not, then may miss out on something special.

Muse: Charles Gunn
Fandom: Angel The Series
Word Count: 365
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