I feel really bad about saying this, but Cecilia is a brat. She really is. She's a spoiled brat. I'm guessing she gets away with a lot at her moms, because she told me "Fuck you, Amy" quite a few times. The next time she says that, I'm putting soap or something on her tongue. She's three years old, she doesn't need to be speaking like that. She's a sweet girl, but honestly, that is completely uncalled for. She also really likes to hit me. Its gotten to the point with me that although I love her, I dont want to have to deal with that. And anything I can think of to punish her Dustin tells me not to do. I've tried sending her to bed, and although when he disciplines her for anything, thats what he says, now he doesn't want me to do it. Fine. So I feel bad spanking her. I dont think that its my place to have to spank her. I wish she wasn't so damn defiant with me. I just dont know what to do. Dustin says that he doesn't mind me disciplining her, but he doesn't want me to send her to her to go take a nap. He says "Be creative." Well, if you dont tell me how you want me to discipline your daughter, I will keep doing it my way. But the next time she tells me "Fuck you." I will put soap or something in her mouth. *Pulls hair out*
Other than that, Jinxie got fixed a week ago. The day she got fixed, when I picked her up I cried. She was so limp and so much in pain/drugged up that she wouldn't move. There was one point where she was laying on the floor in the living room and she wanted to get up. She kept trying to get her back legs to move but they wouldn't. I even tried helping her, but her back legs couldn't support her. At another point, she was sitting in my lap and she couldn't move and she peed on me. I felt bad for her. When she could finally walk again, she was following Dustin and literally was so exhausted she just fell on her side. Eventually the drugs wore off and she thought she was a brand new kitty. Unfortunately she couldn't jump very well, because she constantly fell down after trying to jump on things. The next morning though, she'd regained everything and was fine. It's been that way since. And of course on Saturday she's getting shots. Isn't she just going to love me? Heh.
In regards to the previous post, I decided that I dont want a child just yet. Yes, I would love one. It's just I'm not even 21 years old yet. And call me self absorbed, but I honestly want to go out to a bar and drink my ass off and gamble that night. (My parents are coming in, we're renting a hotel room in Reno and drinking and gambling all night). Going to be a fun night. And a horrible morning. ;)!! My mom and I are going to go to Amsterdam in 2007. Hell yeah. I'm so friggin' excited. Seattle in 2006, Amsterdam in 2007. And see, I cant do that stuff with a kid. But, I do feel that if something happens, it happens and thats that.
I decided that although I really like this job (and though I'm completely bored by it), I absolutely miss working with kids. I want to tell Trina to talk to Karen about me possibly taking over her spot, but I hate leaving a job. I really do. And I hated working with Kim, who knows, maybe I'll hate working with Karen? I dont know. I think I'll just hold out. Well, its about time for me to get started on closing stuff, so I have to go. Bye.
{P.S. On a sad note,
iharthdarth has ceased in existance. She's done. :(}
[edit: my paid account for lj will be ending soon. this makes me sad. i didnt realize it, but they sent me an email saying it would expire in ten days. now to find out which icons i want to keep :(]