(no subject)

Dec 07, 2005 02:19

Last cigarette: 7th grade
Last car ride: couple hours ago
Last good cry: hmmmm when i broke down before i moved back to moms house
Last library book checked out: hmmm i dont read books so yeah
Last movie seen: jarhead with mackenzie
Last beverage drank: water
Last food consumed: rice crispy treat
Last crush: jen
Last phone call: mackenzie
Last time showered: 8 years ago.... lol....
Last shoes worn: dvs skate shoes
Last items bought: oakley snowboard goggles
Last disappointment: hmmm.... when stevo ditched me
Last shirt worn: white abercrombie
Last website: livejournal.com, duh
Last words you said: i love you
What color socks are you wearing?: white , like usual
What's under your bed? little monsters
What time did you wake up today? 5:30 am

Who do you want to live with? mackenzie
What is your career going to be? hmmm no clue, undecided still
Where are you going to live? ann arbor
How many kids do you want? two
What kind of car(s): audi a4 , and eclipse gsx

Current mood: sad
Current music: twista - so lonely
Current hair: light brown - needing to be black again
Current clothes: dc zip up, pjs, long johns , boxers, and abercrombie short sleeve
Current annoyance(s): mom and certain friends
Current desktop picture: who knows
Current book: none, i dont read books

Nervous Habits? biting lip ring , looking down , and fidgiting
Are you double jointed? negative
Can you roll your tongue? hmmm i dont know....lol.....
Can you raise one eyebrow? hah yes
Can you blow spit bubbles? nope , sorry im boring
Can you cross your eyes? of course
Tattoos? one between my shoulder blades
Piercings? two in left ear, tongue and lip
Do you make your bed daily? yes, now i do

Which shoe goes on first? who fucking cares
Favorite piece of clothing? dont have one

Do you twirl your
spaghetti or cut it? twirl
Have you ever eaten Spam? yeah, who hasn't. but its completely disgusting though
Favorite ice
cream flavor? cakebatter from coldstone
How many kinds cereal are in your cabinet? cinnamon toast crunch , fruit loops
What's your favorite beverage? water
What's your favorite restaurant? gregs
Do you cook? When I am up to it, I love it!

How often do you brush your teeth? twice a day
What is your hair drying method? towel and then throw on a hat usually
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair/what color? yes. every color except pink
Do you swear? shit yes.
Do you ever spit? when i brush my teeth

Animal? siberian husky
Food? fettucine alfredo
Month? (ummmm october and any month during the winter)
Day? saturday kause i get to see my baby!
Favorite Cartoon Character? johny bravo
Shoe Brand? dvs shoes

_T or F._
You cook your own dinner: F
Your parents still give you money for things: f
You walk around barefoot indoors most of the time: f
Your first car was new: F
You're completely broke right now: f
You spend your money wisely: F
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