Mar 11, 2009 21:40
I've logged just over 8 miles since Saturday.
Feet are well blistered.
Looked at running shoes tonight and the sales person at Famous Footwear at the MOA was REALLY helpful. Lots of information- AND she let me know not to buy until Sunday- because, shhhh, there will be a bogo sale.
I would have tried some on, but I'd just completed 3 miles in 50 minutes, and my feets were stinky!
So, now I'm sitting with my feet in a tub of cool water and contemplating my plans for tomorrow.
I'm off work at 11:30 am. I have dinner plans, but in the afternoon I'd like to accomplish some type of upper body work out.
I have the weight machine thingy here at the apartment complex, rowing machines at work, and a set of 2# weights right here in my apartment.
The machine thingy intimidates the hell out of me, the rowers are at work, so I'm inimidated by the idea of making a fool of myself in front of co-workers.
That leaves the privacy of my apartment. I've found some tips online... so maybe that. Unless an available work out partner pops up between now and noon tomorrow to coach me through that massive pile of metal and weights in the basement next door.
I hurt. All over.
I just keep telling myself, I can do this.
Kyanne (my co-worker and Team Co-Coach) mentioned that she refused to get in a sweeps van last year, that she really didn't want to and her reasoning was this: If these women can go through chemo- and they don't have a choice in the matter, I can finish this walk. I feel much the same way about completing the walk. It would feel like failure if I got into a van. Now, if I *really* needed to, for medical reasons, I certainly would... but giving up because I'm tired, or my feet hurt? That's just not an option.