Sep 23, 2004 21:30
Buffy stares at Dawn with cold eyes, clearing her throat, so she can hear.They still don't manage to hear her. Buffy was a bit angered. Now she was flustered, but yet kept a straight face. This was not the time. She pushed the door against the wall, making a loud noise. Both Dawn and Josh jumped.
Dawn: "Oh shit. Buffy. Josh rolled off her and they straightened up pretending nothing happened. Hey Buff"
Buffy: She kept staring. Arms crossed. "Don't hide it." She turned on the light.
Dawn thought to herself, oh man, I am so busted. "Buffy, this is Josh. Josh, this is my loving and very forgiving sister Buffy."
Josh: shyly "Nice to meet you"
Buffy: "Josh I think it's time you went home. Wait outside the door, and I'll find someone to bring you home. Now." Her eyes were still on Dawn.
Josh did the unthinkable gave Dawn a goodbye kiss. Then whispers in her ear... "Remember, I love you" He stands up, grabs his jacket. "It was very nice meeting you Buffy" he leaves the room.
Buffy’s voice was cringed. "Likewise. Dawn. Talk." She walked over to the bed, and sat down. "Talk."
Dawn: " are ya?"
Buffy: "Dawn.."
Dawn: "That bad huh" she laughed a little.
Buffy buried her face in her hands "Dawn, this isn't the greatest time for this."
Dawn: "I'm sorry, but...never mind, you wouldn't understand" she curled her legs up to her chest and looked away.
Buffy sighed, she was still hurt from the battle. "Dawn, Please talk to me. I didn't want to have this talk till you were at least 20." Trying to add humor.
Dawn laughed a little just to please Buffy. Still looking away "Josh very special. More special then you could imagine"
Buffy: "Dawnie, you have no idea."
Dawn: "No Buffy, I think for once I do"
Buffy: "Dawnie... No. Do you have any idea what I've been through?"
Dawn: totally being selfish. "You've been through hell. Blah blah blah. I know. I'm not stupid Buffy, I can take care of myself now"
Buffy: "You're right Dawn, But I'm still in charge. and I know you might hate me, but I went through the same thing Dawn. you grow up too fast, you deal with things too fast."
Dawn turns and looks at her sister and actually sees how much like crap she looks. "I don't hate you. I'm just feeling things I've never felt before"
Buffy laughed. "I know that one feeling. Hold on to him, but don't move too fast."
Dawn: "He loves me Buffy. I've never felt how that is before. He really loves me."
Buffy’s voice softened "So did angel."
Dawn thinks to herself, always Angel. "Josh has had a tough past, that oddly enough we would understand."
Buffy: "We get that. I get that. But I don't want you to go through what I had to. Not like your Boyfriend is a vamp, but I mean, I just want to protect you."
Dawn: "I know. You know he can be a big help in the fight for good. He's been training to fight evil since he was really young"
Buffy: "I don't want to bring him in the group. If something happens to him.. I'll be responsible. I don't want to carry that burden."
Dawn: "Buffy, vampires killed his mom. He has no one. He wants to rid the world of demons as much, if not more than us"
Buffy: "I doubt as much. He has anger, but has no idea what he's getting himself into. He's dealing with death. And where did we talk about this? I'm talking about what I walked in on."
Dawn: "Oh, that." she looked away again. "That was nothing"
Buffy: "Nothing? I saw something... A lot more than something"
Dawn: "I swear. We weren't gonna do anything."
Buffy: "But he was on top of you! Duh Dawn. I'm older than you. I know."
Dawn: "So..."
Buffy: Sigh "Dawn, I'm easier to talk to me. I know you want to talk to her about this.. but..."
Dawn: "There is nothing to talk about. We weren't gonna do anything else."
Buffy: "So you want me to just forget this? If that's what you really want, to be distant, fine Dawn."
Dawn: "I swear Buffy, it wasn't gonna get past that"
Buffy: "I want to believe you... But I don't"
Dawn: "We were just fooling around. That was all. We weren't know."
Buffy: "Have Sex? Dawn, please talk to me."
Dawn: "I love him. And sex wasn't on my mind. I just wanted to feel loved. Like you..."
Buffy: "Oh God Dawn, I did want to feel loved. I know I'm hypocritical, but I made a decision that effected my whole life. I don't want you to have that burden."
Dawn: "What burden? It's no burden Buffy. It's fate"
Buffy: "I know. I have that too. Still. But it is still effecting"
Dawn: "What do you want me to say Buffy? Hmm? Enlighten me. I don't know what you want from me. She starts crying trying to hold it back. I don't know what you want"
Buffy: Starts crying as well. "I don't want you hurt like I was , Dawn. I don't want him to change after you do anything. I don't want you going through anything bad. I don't want you grown up. But you are, and it scares me."
Dawn: "He's different Buffy. I'm different. I just want to be happy. When do I get to be happy? I'm sorry, but I need to grow up, and you aren't helping me grow.'re holding me down." Crying more now.
Buffy: "I know, but I want you aware, Dawnie" She cries. "I'm holding you down because I don’t want you hurt. I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna just forget that you're my sister, my responsibility."
Dawn: "I won't get hurt, and if I do, I'll get over it."
Buffy: whispers under her breath. "I haven't yet. She looked over at Dawn. I don't know what to say to you that will make you double think what you were about to do in here. Dawnie, I know that you were heading towards it. I'm blonde, but I'm not that dumb."
Dawn: "I swear I wasn't gonna let it get any farther than that. And I don't think Josh was either."
Buffy: "Trust me, I know the difference from necking and him on top of you. I don't think I like this boy. Either you have been dating for a while keeping him from me for a reason, or you're moving too fast. I think you're moving too fast. I would think that you trust me enough to tell me if you were in a long term relationship.."
Dawn: "Ok, so maybe we are moving a bit too fast. We only just realized that we were meant for eachother tonight...though we have liked one another far longer than that" She smiled.
Buffy: "A little too fast? Dawnie. You were going faster than I can say sex. She mutters. Now I know why mom never gave me this sex talk."
Dawn: "Ok, I admit it. I screwed up. But...but it just...felt so right."
Buffy: "So do you agree with me then? That A. you were moving too fast, and B. You're too young? Dawnie you can express your love in different ways. Angel and I did.If you care about him that much, you should be willing to wait."
Dawn: "I don't know Buffy. I agree with the moving to fast part. But I don't think age has anything to do with it. I believe that I am mature enough to make the descision for myself."
Buffy: "You're Wrong. Age is a huge factor. I'm not going to preach to you. I'm just letting you know that I want you to talk to me. I'm not mom, I'm not good at this stuff. I'm your sister, making the same mistakes."
Dawn: "Yeah, you would know about being too young wouldn't you. What were you? A sophomore? And you aren't mom, so don't act like it."
Buffy: "Dawn, that's not fair. She remembers killing Angel, from earlier, hates to hear his name. I do, Dawn. And I was. You know the consequence I went through, we all went through. I know it isn't really the same, but there are consequences even if they are lighter."
Dawn: "Don't worry, no babies" She laughs.
Buffy: "I don't know what to say.. You have my view. You know the consequences, and you arn't making this any easier. Just be glad you're on the other end of the rope, m'dear."
Dawn: She realizes that Buffy is right, that she isn't making it easy, and she wouldn't know what to do if she was in her position. She looks Buffy in the eyes. "Ok. No sex. Not at least until we've dated for a while, but I will let you know before hand. Is that at least ok? I am sorry I'm being so difficult, it has been a rough day." She smiles and chuckles.
Buffy: She wanted to sigh in relief that they had come into agreement of at least something. But not everything. She knew that Dawnie was growing up and it was hard enough to keep her down this long. "I want you to talk to me Dawnie. It's what mom would want you to do, I need you to talk to me." She thought about the day...And how they had to patrol. She looked over and saw Faith in the doorway, probably listening to the whole thing, or seeing this Josh. "Rough day, night.. I know I wont be getting any sleep. I think you need some sleep, and this Josh I think he needs to go home, Faith and I will drop him off on our walk..."
Dawn: "Ok, Sounds good. Although I'm not tired, we slept for a while before...well you know. So can I come too?"
Buffy: "No. See how messed up Faith and I am? What the God did to us all? You're safe in the house from Willow as well as the God."
Dawn: " I am gonna need an explanation of what I missed later. Ok? Because I think I missed a lot." She laughed but it was true, they slept through the whole battle.
Buffy: "Can it wait till morning?" She was worn and didn't like talking about this guy. It gave her anger.
Dawn: "Oh, ok. I guess so."