Hello friends! It's been a while. I hope everyone has been doing well! It's October, which means it's officially, officially Nanowrimo season! WHOOOOOO! It's rather strange, but I feel much more optimistic and cheery this year. None of the gloom and doom and oh woe is me why do I even TRY? nonsense that usually plagues me, however much I try to fight them off, which I am grateful for. I guess I've come to the point where I understand what the creative process is like, and therefore don't rig myself for instant failure because I've set ridiculously unrealistic goals. I still work hard, and I'm still kind of nervous, but there's much more joy in the preparation now.
Speaking of which, I have been prepping. I have a few characters sketched out-
literally-and a very hazy plot idea, but I have a good feeling about where this story is headed. It'll be a fantasy-esque story, as usual, exploring the themes of friendship/kinship and loyalty, mixed in with some good ol'-fashioned good vs. evil, humor, quite possibly a romance (?), and plenty of adventure ... and maybe even some questing? Even though I've told myself that I would never, ever do a quest story. It'll be fun! Please stick along for the ride! And do let me know if you plan on doing Nanowrimo this year!
Tally ho!