(no subject)

Jun 04, 2005 00:28

Holy haberdashery, Batman. She speaks 12 languages. And she offered to teach me Thangarian.

And thus I have no idea what to do.

And it's not like I can ask most people for advice. Booster would probably be obnoxious. So would Max or Guy. Ralph wouldn't understand.

I've considered asking Hawkman or Hakwgirl but I don't want to die. Carter's scary and grumpy. And mean.

I couldn't ask Superman. It's just not one of those things I'd share with Superman.

I could probably ask Batman when he's Bruce. Bruce is a lot less monosyllabic and friendly. Or Alfred.

I told Babs but I don't her to worry. Dinah... I imagine it would be similar advice.

I'd ask Powergirl but I like Kara and it might end badly.

I suppose I could tell Diana but that would be odd. I don't know. Maybe if she saw me and asked me what was up because she's one of those people you just sort of tell everything to. It's her eyes.

Maybe Ollie or Roy or Kyle? Well, that's more if I wanted to get rid of her.

Wally doesn't stand still. I don't think Jay knows who I am.

Alan wouldn't know. And I'd probably just laugh at some point about how he's allergic to wood because I'm twelve.

Seeing as she's an alien maybe Kory would be a good choice? Maybe sort of embarassing.

I could ask J'onn. He's a guy and an alien. Hm.

Okay, so...

People to see:

And the rest of them are useless to me. Wonderful. The Justice League, Society, and various other groups can save the world but they can't help one poor schmuck out with his love life?

Sucks to be me, it does. Play video games I shall. That Lego Star Wars one is great.
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