04232006 [029]

Apr 23, 2006 14:32

Prompt: In Loving Memory - Alter Bridge
Title: In Loving Memory
Fandom: CSI:NY
Rating: FRT - character death.
Pairing/Characters: Lindsay Monroe/Danny Messer
Category: angst, totally AU.
Spoilers: nein
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone in this story, although there is no fictional Danny Messer Jr. No, they belong to the blokes over at Bruckheimer Television, Alliance Atlantis, CBS, and whoever else is lucky enough to have claim on them. So, y'know, nothing gained. Just for fun. Dun sue!
A/N: So, this is why I should not write fic while high on Vicodin and listening to sad music. Death and children happen. Anyway, let me know what you think. I think it's too cheesy and cliché to see the light of day, but what do I know. I'm my worst critic. It's a gorgeous song, and if you want it, let me know. You should have it. *nods* Screw it. I uploaded it for twincy, so here. Alter Bridge - In Loving Memory.


It was cold, but she made the trip anyway. Same day, year after year, for the last four, she came to this spot on this day. Sometimes alone, sometimes with her son.

The trip broke her heart every time she made it, and today was no different.

"Mommy," Danny said, tugging at her hand. "Mommy, I'm cold."

Lindsay looked down at her son and smiled. He was the spitting image of his father, and she was so grateful for him and for what he meant to her. "I know, baby. We'll only be here for a little while. Is your jacket in the car?" Danny nodded, and she kissed his forehead. "Why don't you run and grab it, then?"

He nodded back and ran the short distance back to the car, his mother watching him. She turned and knelt down, brushing the fallen leaves off the headstone. "I wish you were still here," she said softly. "Wish you could see him, Danny. He's so much like you."

She had the same conversation each time she brought little Danny with her. It was different when she was alone, though. Sometimes she just cried, other times she wanted to scream. Then there were the times that she just sat in silence, or the times that she'd come by and find Flack or Stella or even on occasion Aiden already there.

"Why'd you have to leave us, Danny? Why'd you have to go play the hero that day?" She sighed, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear, like Danny had done countless times in the past. The action made her smile and cry at the same time. "I miss you so damn much, Messer."

"Who you talking to, mommy?"

She pulled little Danny into her arms and hugged him tight. "Your daddy. Just telling him that we miss him," she said softly, her fingers working to button up his coat as she spoke.

"Oh. Yeah, I miss daddy too," Danny said, his little hand going to the back of his neck.

The gesture made Lindsay smile. "Did you know that daddy used to do that all the time?"

That made little Danny smile as well. "He did? I didn't know that."

She nodded. "He did indeed. Ask Uncle Don about that the next time he comes over."

"I will," he said, kissing her on the cheek. "Promise."

Lindsay laid the flowers she'd brought against his headstone and sighed, standing up. "Come on, kiddo. Let's go get see Uncle Mac and Aunt Stella, okay?"

"Okay, mommy." Danny knelt down next to the headstone and kissed his father's name. "I love you, daddy. I miss you so much," he said softly before turning and standing up.

She smiled down at their son and nodded. "Alright, little man. Let's go." Looking down at the headstone, she murmured "I love you, Danny. Always."


danny/lindsay, angstycrackfic, csiny, au

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