Sep 29, 2004 07:45
hey guzy im really like confused rite now newspaper class..i mean its been a good week so far but i think im going to b really myself. monday was my audition for the play...n every1 knows ive beetn htinkin bout this for weeks. but its sunday nite n my dumass self is now pickin out my monolauge. so when i audutioned i comepltely blew i did good but i mixed everythin up n it didnt flow. so then yesterday i cheked the call back list... n my name was not on it =(. kirsten says the list of ppl who audtioned mon hasnt been posted yet..but steven auduitoned with me n his name is says on the list that dosent mean u didnt make it..but i kno for a fact i didnt do good enuff to not need a call back. im so dissapointed..its my fault 2 thats wat sux the most..w.e i dont wana talk bout it nemore..also theirs this godamn field trip on sat n i didnt wana go in the 1st place but b4 a lota ppl r goin..n now theirs like 7. i gota wake up earlier than i do 4 skool n its gona b gay..n i wouldnt go but i alreayd paid n if i dont then my moms gona make me go to this dumass thing. n 2day my hair is not cooperating so i just put it up n it looks like shyt. but the good news is i saw my pix n they came out good! like i act like them. i dindt c my forhead up so i dunno if my hair looked frizzy but from i saw i look nice. well w.e im gona go chek the list n find out 4 sure..80% im not in it..ill b back