Aug 27, 2007 16:42
I last posted to my lj 8 months ago, and I've just decided to start it back up again. I don't know if anyone will still read it. Chances are everyone I knew on here removed me from their list after such a long time away. That's alright. This isn't about them anyway.
I decided to start this up again for one main reason. I'm going into my 4th (and final) year at university, I'm going to have 2 jobs, plus the society to worry about. In other words, this is going to be just about the busiest year of my life (so far). So, why on earth am I starting up my lj again now? With only... *counts* ...9 days left until school starts up again? Well, I think this is going to be a stressful year for me, with all the new responsibilities I'll have. So, I'm going to use this journal to vent, yes vent. I've decided that I'm going to avoid complaining (as much as possible) about things in my life to my friends and associates, be them online, or face to face. This journal will help with that.
At least this way people can
1. Delete me if they don't want to read my stuff anymore, or
2. Scroll down if they're just not in the mood that day.
As with every new school year I (and I'm sure many many other people) make the promise (resolution) to themselves that "this year will be different", "I'll study harder this year" " I won't party so much" "I'll be more organized" "I'll save money" and so on and so on.
This year, I mean it.(I know I say that every year too) This will (most likely) be my last university year ever. I need to make it count. I've decided lack of organization and lack of motivation are my 2 main problems in my life(not just my school life). I've taken the necessary steps (so far) to try to improve on this for the coming academic year.
So, here's hoping that this year is better. Here's hoping that everything that needs to get done, gets done. And here's hoping that I won't crumble under the pressure.