Contact : Swancon 2009 - The Gaming Stream

Feb 20, 2009 14:24

As gaming coordinator this year, I am aiming to make the gaming room more welcoming and accessible. I'd like everyone from the newcomer or casual gamer through to the hard-core to feel that the gaming stream has a place for them.

A (reasonably) detailed description of what I have planned is up on the Swancon webpage for your comments. Please have a read and let me know what you think.
Main Events

An Invitation to Game (10AM-6PM Friday & Sunday)
An opportunity to come and learn to play some modern boardgames. Games will range in length between 30 and 90 minutes and there will be experienced gamers there to teach the games.

Monster Games (Every Night 8PM till Late)
Intended primarily to facilitate the playing of longer games (3 hrs plus) - the Arkham Horrors, Androids and Twilight Imperium scale games. Someone will offer to host and teach the game and players will be able to sign up (and commit to !) a session.

Wings of War
An attempt to set an Australian record for number of miniatures on one table.

Gaming With Kids (Saturday Afternoon)
An open forum where we can discuss the board games we play with our kids - what works, what doesn't. Of course we'll have to get some games out and play as well !

Make Your Own Copy of Space Junk (Saturday Morning)
Find out about print-and-play games in the best way possible - by making one.

First Contact (Friday onwards)
Swancon's first puzzle hunt.

I'm looking for volunteers for most of these events - contact details on the website.
I'm also keen to hear from people who can fill in some of the gaps - notably role-playing and miniature gaming events.

Terry ('El Grande')
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