Previously in my life...

May 28, 2014 20:09

I did a two week long extra job, which was quite exhausting, but yay extra money! Basically, I worked 8 hours, got home and did the same job I do at work for 4 more hours. Kudos to all the people with two or more jobs, because, damn, that's really very exhausting! Also, you hardly have any free time anymore.

After having had long hair for a few years, I chopped it all of last week. Well, my hairdresser did the chopping and the styling and everything and it looks really good! Got so many compliments! (Although, it made me wonder if I really looked that awful with the long hair.)


I cried many happy tears when Conchita Wurst won the Eurovision Song Contest 2014! I never really thought that I'd actually ever see Austria win, but how awesome is Conchita? She's great and really beautiful and I've read and watched a lot of interviews and she's just incredibly sweet and charming. And I've been a fan since before she won the ESC, I thought it was great that we sent her! :)

Oh! The reason I'm actually writing this post is because, it's Fedcon time! I'm so excited, because Nichelle Nichols is one of the guests and I'm so, so looking forward to meet her! There are tons of other guests there as well, like Alexander Siddig and Amanda Tapping. It's gonna be a great con! Whee!
Also, spending time with mabiana, chani_atreides, novalee17 and padfootie! :D
On the downside, I have to get up ridiculously early for my flight tomorrow morning. Do not want!

The weekend after Fedcon I'm going to be in Vienna for Alpha Con, a Vampire Diaries and Teen Wolf con. Not that I've ever seen the Vampire Diaries...


personal, conventions, fedcon

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