No fic to post, as of yet. I don't even have a word processing program installed on this bitznatch, yet. All my stories are still zipped and downloading from Mozy.
Working on prompt-Sulu/McCoy out of my gmail account, and it promises to be angsty to the Nth (contain your shock). But in the meantime--
--stolen from
strickens_girl, who also stole it, that shameless hussy:
Give me a character and I will tell you my:
+ otp for them.
+ runner-up pairing.
+ honourable mention(s).
+ crack pairing(s).
+ ship everyone else seems to like, but I don't.
I'll do:
Any incarnation of Star Trek
The Sentinel
Due South
The Dark Tower-verses (Stephen King)
Hamlet, A Midsummer Nights Dream
Pineapple Express
Bonus points like a mofo for Xena and/or Hercules.
Hell, pick from any fandom, and I'll probably be able to geek out over it, and if I can't, or don't know what the hell you're talking about, I'll let you know.
Yikes, I just set the mood for this post, and picked "cheerful". That doesn't ever happen. Huh. I never feel so mentally ill as when I'm happy.
Oh, and don't pick anime. Unless it's Howl's Moving Castle. Seriously.