Jul 13, 2006 11:58
I'm sharing my room with two other girls. It's really, really strange, as I've never shared my room with anyone but Hermione before, and that was only for a few weeks. Though I do love having Daphne and Pansy around, don't get me wrong. It is a bit cramped in here, though, so I'm thinking about asking if one of them would like to room with Draco in Percy's old room. Mum's really made it look nice since he abandoned us; plus, it's good to have a guest room. Or perhaps I should just buck up and deal with it. So what if the floors a little messy? The whole room's been needing a thorough cleaning charm for weeks, anyway.
I did my first shift at work yesterday. It was... facinating. I learned how to use a cash regristrar cash rigestrir cash ragrestar the thing the money goes in. I never thought I'd have to use any of the stuff Harry told me about Muggle money, but now I'm glad I was listening the whole time. I only gave the wrong change once, but it was because I'd never seen a fifty pound note before, and I thought it was a fiver. The Muggle involved looked at me like I was barking, and John's father came to sort it all out. He said, "Don't worry, love. Everyone makes mistakes on their first day," but shortly after, he switched me from taking money to helping show customers around the store. I like this bit much, much better. Partly because I don't have to learn anything new, and partly because Muggles are really quite funny. The carry around very small telyfones with no little cable for the elcktricity to go into. I'm not sure how they get it to run, really, because they're just too small to put a batarie in, I think. I plan to ask Hermione about these as soon as possible.
I assume that Mr. St. Clair will pay me in Muggle money, of course, which I'll have to either use here in the village (which isn't hard, because they have a lovely little tea shop and a nice pub), or save up and have changed at Gringott's. But now the villagers won't look at me like I'm mad when I want to buy paper with sickles and knuts.
Paper, for those of you who know nothing about Muggles, is what they use rather than parchment, only much less expensive. We should probably all switch over to this, because it really is absurdly cheaper. Though you can't use eraser charms on it, for some reason, but that doesn't really matter, as most Muggles use pencils. They have a bit of rubber on the end that takes away markings. It's really interesting.
This job is so good for me. I'm learning all sorts of interesting things.