(no subject)

Jul 11, 2006 08:57

The Burrow is full to the brim again with all sorts of people, and it's finally starting to feel like home. I invite anyone to come over for the day to visit, and maybe play a bit of Quidditch. My brothers, Draco, and I are all quite good, so if we had another player we could have three-on-threes.

Yesterday I went down to the village to explore, because Draco and Daphne were knee-deep in a conversation that i didn't want to interrupt, and everyone else was busy. I decided to go back to that Muggle 'magic shop,' just to see if they'd gotten anything knew.

Promptly when I went in, I did notice something very new, indeed. The proprietor, Mrs. St. Clair, was out, and a boy about Ron's age was tending the counter. Mrs. St. Clair was his grandmother, he told me, and when she'd fallen ill last month he'd had to take over running the shop.

His name is John, and he thinks my magic tricks are amazing. I told him I was in need of gainful employment, and he then closed the shop for lunch and said that we could discuss salary over tea.

It was one of the most wonderful discussions I've ever had, honestly, though we never did get around to talking over my salary. He asked me to come in every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday for about six hours a day. I suppose we'll see how everything works out.
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