Mar 22, 2006 15:42
is it bad that I'm starting to get the feeling I had when I lived here before. the feeling of not wanting to come home. the feeling of hating the people I live with. I can truly say, my "very much dislike" attitude towards Zack is growing into hate, and my love for my sister is growing into "very much dislike" I can't take the fighting, the screaming, the yelling, the slamming doors at midnight, the evil stares, the dirty looks, all of it. I can't take it anymore. I can't take the fact that our apt is the dirtiest place I've ever been. or the fact that I've asked for a week now for them to stop using MY bathroom and to clean MY silverware that they used because they ran out of their own. I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!! I'm so furious and angry. and I thought that maybe staying here would be good for me, but so far the only good thing about it is my bestfriend.