Mar 30, 2008 23:36
I have some very strong opinions about feminism and have gotten into more than one full out arguments over the differences between men and women. Never so far as to say that gender inequity doesn't exist, because it absolutely does, but rather getting into things like biology and nature vs. nurture and things like that. In the last year I started to really think about what the term "Patriarchal system" actually means and I've grown a better sensibility about what that idea is and what the everyday social consequences of it are.
There's some quote, I forget exactly how it goes and I forget who said it, but it vaguely resembles something like this:
"In order to justify his existence, a man has to do. A woman only has to be."
As a guy I really do feel an immense pressure to accomplish things and that society will judge me by that (and some other things I may talk about later). I can't say what it must be like for a woman since I know I could never understand the full breadth of what that means. If I can say one thing though it's that I think our present society knows how to appreciate women but not how to value them, and that it knows how to value men but not necessarily how to appreciate them.