Doing better today, less depressed, almost none minus have to work tomorrow, but who doesn't get depressed by that? I did some cleaning today, that made me feel productive. Lately I can understand people who are super freaks about maintaining their yard or whatever. I tend to see and understand why many people do things I used to rebel against, like writing stuff down or dusting. I guess I finally tossing the last shackle of childhood away. Took me long enough, but to be fair, how many people do you know that still act like kids that are well into their 30's? That's the trouble with America now days, people do not grow up and act responsible anymore. The one that do often have that pesky self-esteem that often is misdiagnosed as being stuck up, which can often be the case. We have a generation of children become parents, and sadly we have at least another 10-20 years of it before things start to correct themselves.
In that regard I can understand (almost agreed with) mid-aged conservatives, they can see the lack of maturity more clearly. Sadly they attack a few issues they think are causing it; video games, music, MTV (that one is probably really is a cause), homosexuality, etc. The simple fact is, though, that it's lazy parenting that is causing this. Parent are not investing the effort they used too in keeping an eye out for what kids are doing now days. We reached a point where life became easy enough to enjoy it (through vaccines and indoor plumbing) and once they hit adulthood they didn't want to give up the joys of childhood so quickly. So with each new generation the child wished to keep enjoying themselves a bit longer and now instead of having parents teaching their kids about life we have single mom's leaving the kids to go clubbing. I could easily go into more detail but I think I better cool it for tonight before I convince myself to vote Republican.
(side note to you Republicans out there, I would love to not care so much but since many of your candidates have such loose
morals and ethics, I feel I can't let any more turds enter the septic tank that is our government)
So yeah, America is becoming worse and worse and there is little do do to fix it. I just have to get used to this (and many other things) is something that I can not help. I hate being in a situation that I can not help. Often they are not dealing with me, mind you. I understand the situations I'm in, see the choices I have, and then get bummed that the best solution isn't better. I rarely feel trapped in a situations. I recognize I have choices in any situation and more often than not I am the only one to blame when those choices are limited or unpleasant. However what I truly can't stand is when someone else is in a bad situation and not being able to help them. Sure if the situation is the fault of the person's lack of foresight or incompetents, fuck them, let them sleep in the bed they made. However there is always a situation where a forgivable or even innocent decisions of the past can snowball into the troubles we have today. What truly sucks is many of these decisions are made at such a young age that we get into the habit of making them without thinking.
For example, I have trouble dealing with confrontation because at an early age I made the decision to avoid doing it instead of getting used to it. I made these decisions back when having a confrontation could end up with me getting hurt (dealing with local bullies when I was 4) or punished (risking speaking with my parents when they were fighting). It might have warranted shying away from confrontation in those situations, however when the risks were not nearly as high I continued to shy away. Sure I could blame my childhood for my failings now, but what good would that do? Instead of wasting time crying over split milk I can try and get out of the habit of making these choices.
Bringing it back to the second paragraph, I guess the true goal of a descent parent is to not allow their children get into the habit of making bad choices, even innocent ones. Since when did the standards drop to just not raising a psychopath or criminal, what happened to raising a child to make sound decisions? I guess most parents now days place more value on being a cool parent or one with a social life. I guess that's too much to ask for now days.
Arrow, signing out.