Quiz Bowl: we beat Boiling Springs by a 260 to -5 (I really felt bad for Boiling Springs) and Ship by 235 to 40. So this season's off to a good start so far.
Add me to the long list of people who were dissapointed with the season finale, at least with the parts dealing with Allison, Henry, Beverly, and Kevin. I loved the little side bits at the smart house and with Nathan, Taggart, and Jack.
-Princess Bride and Borg references, I love to see geeky stuff referenced on my geeky shows.
-"Boys, there's plenty of backdoor access for everyone" *snicker*
-Taggart leading everyone out of the building blindfolded and the fact that they were trying to protect themselves by hiding in the place where it started.
-The learning security system. I aboslutely loved how Taggart figured out that it wasn't Fargo. What do you bet that Taggart and Fargo get together and talk about how much they hate Zane and how repulsive Jo/Zane is (which it is)?
Didn't like:
-Zane, I tried to like him. Really, I did, but I just don't. Is it just me or does he turn everything that Jo does into some sort of comment about how hot she is?
-The plot. Allison and Stark aren't paying attention to Henry so he fakes a deadly biohazard outbreak and turns the entire building into a super powerful killing machine that would cause the DOD to kill everything inside? All to do something that Allison and Stark wanted to do anyway? And he's a genuis?