(no subject)

Sep 28, 2007 18:36

Did you know that supposedly there isn't a single documented case of a lifeboat acutally saving somebody's life on the Great Lakes? Random fact.

Well, I tried out for the Quiz Bowl team and ended up on the A team. That's a good thing, it means that I get to compete and it actually counts. Matches that are played by the B team don't count. What is a little funny is that the A team is the exact same team as the BrainBusters team. The only downside is that every single match is the same time that I work.

It probabaly makes me a geek that I find my Gov teacher screaming "WE HAVE A CONSERVATIVE COURT" at a student who was trying to claim otherwise for five minutes one of the most amusing things that I saw all day.

I loved the Criminal Minds premiere. I really don't think Gideon is going to kill himself even though they're obviously trying to make you think that. For one he likes his team, he's not going to blow his head off and leave them to find his decomposing corpse. He'd know that it might freak them out a little, particularly Reid.

CSI was a little dissapointing, while I loved the GSR I thought it moved much too slowly. All the flashbacks were really annoying.

Bones continues to be awesome. The cannibal storyline looks really interesting. Plus, I love Zack. And Angela/Hodgins (although I barely recognized Hodgins and thought the marriage storyline was getting a little tedious).

This week's Eureka episode just felt all over the place. I find it hard to believe that Henry could just walk into Stark's lab. But honestly, I loved Allison's office just dissapearing. And Fargo, I love Fargo. Don't like Zane though, I tried to like Zane. He's just so arrogant, I can't stand him.
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