My left index finger is sore from clutching tufts of hair while backcombing.

Nov 08, 2010 07:36

I feel like being creative today and, for me, that means updating my LJ and possibly writing letters to my friends. You know, the only creative outlets I have the motivation to pursue.

I did go on a run, however, so despite my misguided productivity I can at least say I am improving my health.

Which is good because I have my health exam with the French gov't soon*. I have to get a physical before I am given my French identity card. I guess so they can kick unhealthy people out so they don't have to pay for their medical expenses. Well, last time I was here(2yrsago) I did this physical and got a chest x-ray which came back with a tiny little spot on my lung. The doctor wasn't concerned, but thought I might as well get it checked out in a couple months anyway, to monitor the change.

I wasn't worried either, but figured that since I was living in a place where I could do it for free, I might as well get another x-ray. So I went to the local clinic and that doctor told me I had to go to the hospital to get it done b/c their x-ray wasn't working. She** gave me the number for the office where I could make an appt and you know how I am...I never called.

So two years later I have an impending chest x-ray and there's a slight chance that there is now an even larger shadow in the lower right quadrant of my left lung. I'm really not concerned, but you know what, everyone gets cancer these days so it's certainly a possibility.

Srsly though everyone has cancer. I'm half annoyed like it's a trend and totally annoyed that it's not even preventable. Even the healthiest people get cancer! Everything is a carcinogen! Hot water, burnt food, cell phones, microwaves, plastics, wearing a bra to sleep, second hand smoke you can't escape because all your friends smoke even though you made a decision not to smoke anymore b/c it's harmful to your health(hmm), cat scratches blah blah blah. So I say do what makes you feel good and see how it goes.

Every time I read the Deaths in 2010 Wikipedia entry for my dead pool updates, I think about this. So many people die from cancer!

Anyway, I had to pee and got distracted so I'm not going to rant about cancer anymore.

I was just reading an article on Aziz Ansari in the bathroom and the more I learn about comedians the more you realize it is fckn hard work. I always think I'd like to be a comedian or a humorist or smthg but I'm so gd lazy I doubt it will ever happen. Why does everything take dedication? Buggy.

As you might be able to tell from my pointless entry thus far, nothing has been happening in my life. Although I'm not surprised, I am disappointed to report that I have not hung out with Jeremy et al since the movie. It's been a couple weeks and they don't seem too interested in having me around anymore. Jeremy and I are still communicating 'n' shit but I haven't become their 3rd Musketeer yet. Booo.

On the other hand, this is an opportunity for me to make other friends that don't drink so much and with whom I can speak French. Enter: L'Etoile du Jeu. That's the game club that meets every Thurs and Fri night at this community center to play board games of all kinds. I haven't made it down there yet b/c I'm so nervous. But Max and Licia both told me I was an idiot if I didn't go. So this week. Oh yes.

What a fool I am! I forgot the greatest thing EVER that happened last week. Forgot? How did I forget??

Matthew Carter was on his way to Islamabad and decided he should stop in Paris for a day! I bought myself a train ticket as soon as plans were finalized and met him bright and early on Nov 2 at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris. The timing was perfect. We both arrived at 7h45, we met in the terminal, took the metro to the hotel his company got him and pretty much ate, drank and walked around the 24 hours. It was wonderful, of course. We met my friend Joachim for lunch, too and I got to experience a Republican American civilly discuss global politics with a liberal French artist. How beautiful. This 24 hours was the most time I have spent alone with Carter in years. So many years. It's so nice to know you're got people that will always be the same. That's sincerely what I love most about the people in my life. We're all evolving, but we're still the same ol' dynamic selves we've always been.

I spent my weekend dreading Max's hair. As in, backcombing it so he can look more Rastafari. I fckn love teenagers. But only in a semi-creepy way, ok?

I've lost the motivation to ramble on about nothing, so enjoy what I've got so far.

Love you

* Soon here means whenever they decide to send me the info re: my appt. I sent in the necessary papers 2 days after I arrived in France(Oct 13) and I just received the notice saying they got my stuff Saturday (Nov 6). French bureaucracy.
**Ooohh you thought this doctor was a man, didn't you?! Well guess what, the first doctor was a man...but he was BLACK!
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