France II, Week II

Oct 25, 2010 05:52

Things are great!

Not much happened last week, but Helena and I went to an event hosted by the American Club of Lille. They brought in a professor from the American University in Paris to talk about the upcoming election and the state of things stateside. It was enlightening, but I'm glad Jeremy was there too. We lol'd when we shouldn't have been and shared the desire to take the job of the US Embassy representative who was there. A gov't job overseas would be so perfect.

I'm listening to Nina Simone's "Love Me or Leave Me" right now and it reminds me of Teri and how we love that song. :)

I've got this week off completely. No class, no kids. So what am I doing? Nothing. I wanted to travel, but I haven't the resources or a specific place in mind, so I think I'll just catch up on homework and go shopping. Lol what a loser.

I'm also writing letters, though. I just wrote 10 cards that I'll be mailing out today or tomorrow. I already have most everyone's address, but people our age move a lot, so plz send me your current address and I'll send you smthg. I keep saying letters, I hope people don't get upset when they actually receive postcards instead. Jerks.

So on the friend front, things are wonderful. I went out w/ MY BOYS Friday and drank way too much, as I usually do when hanging out with heavy drinkers. It's not rly a trend I'd like to continue, but it's fun sometimes. I was just hanging out with Brendan and Jeremy and their English friend Jack and they were being very candid about "birds" which made me feel like one of the guys(my favorite!). Then Jack asked if he could call me "Bird" which excited me b/c I've never had a nickname. But then Brendan interjected "No she's not a bird, she's our mate!". This is so exciting for me, y'all.

I was afraid my drunken stupor that night ruined my status, but Jeremy and Brendan invited me to their traditional brunch at Flunch and a movie on Sunday. It's so Sex and the City of them and it's hilarious. Y'all Flunch is like the French Luby's. It's a stupid cafeteria frequented by old people and they go there every Sunday. It's so great.

I missed the brunch, but met them and their French friend Jordan for The Social Network later. It was good, but I hated all the characters except the victims of Mark Zuckerberg's dick moves. I loved the twins and Eduardo, maybe just b/c they were the most attractive, but still, everyone else was exactly the type of person I would never be friends with. But I did love how he had an LJ and they kept calling it a blog. No, it's an LJ.

Afterward I went to Jeremy's and we used this beautiful thing he has called a SlingBox that allows him to watch his parents' Comcast on the internet. We watched the Titans/Eagles game and made Mexican food. Well, as Mexican as food can get in France, which isn't very authentic. But I was happy b/c I was craving a KU taco salad on Saturday night(still after all these years). It was so perfect b/c he's from Philadelphia and the Titans won so I could gloat.

In summation, I had a great wknd establishing myself in this group of friends.

Oh and on Saturday I went to Rocambole, a wonderful game store in Lille and got the info about places to play board games in town. There's a club that hosts open gaming every Thurs and Fri night from 8 to midnight and 1am, respectively. I'm really excited about going and making some nerd friends, b/c obvs they are the nicest.

I went to mass on Sunday, too and didn't understand shit! I need to get an order of mass in French so I can follow along. It's not as fun as American mass either b/c I don't know the songs, except we did sing the Prayer of St Francis after communion. It wasn't as good as the English version, though.

So far I'm meeting all my goals for my new life in France! I might actually be able to see myself make some semblance of a life here. Not to say I want to stay, but, hell I have free health care here. Just sayin'. I've been helping Jeremy do some translating for his job and I'm going to volunteer at their big event in November, so maybe I'll make some contacts for a job...who knows.

Ok I'm gonna eat some lunch then walk into town to buy some French greeting cards. I think I've sent everyone I know a George Jones post card, it might be time to upgrade.

Hope this hasn't been tl;dr!
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