Mar 12, 2005 11:02
*Sigh* Alright, I’ve been out here. (Where ever here is) for about a week now. And I still have yet to remember why I am out here. Now, I mean it is entirely possibly I am out here for no reason at all and I can not remember a mission because I am NOT on a mission. But I kind of have those charred remains of a mission file. So throw that idea right out the window. Today I just thought about going back to Konoha and face what ever punishment there might be for forgetting my mission. But then I got word that Kurenai has stolen acquired another folder with my mission documents in them.
So, with that knowledge I can finally stop my various attempts to remember my mission briefing. A couple of them were more painful then they should have been. And a couple of them I still can not believe I did. If any of the residents from the village I am staying at now happen across this journal: I swear I did not know it was bolted down. The first attempt was the best of them all I think. I walked my self into the nearest bar I could find and I drank until I was unconscious. I hoped that when I came too I would remember my mission.
No luck though. Although one of the villagers did say I picked a couple fights with villagers and kept ranting about Orochimaru. I apparently also ‘put the moves’ on a sign post...or a fence post... well some kind of post. So at the end of the day, I was plastered and Operation: Drink your self into remembering was a total failure. Well, if you can call it that. I mean I STILL did get plastered... heh.
I think I thought up “Plan B” while I was drunk, and I might have executed it while drunk too. Because all of a sudden beating my self over the head with a wooden board does not seem like the best of plans to get my self to remember anything. Forget something maybe. I still have a lump on my head from the failed Plan B. In the end that lump on my head was the only thing I gained. Plan B = Total Failure.
“Plan C” was a little more logical then Plan’s A and B combined. I simply sifted through the remains of the burnt folder slash mission documents. Now this one was not such a total failure. I was able to figure out my target - Wether I am to kill him or protect him or... give him a back rub? Hell If I know at this point - at least has a name other then “Johnny Evilguy” - The contents in the folder were for a man named Seisui Musashi. I did some “looking” around and best I can tell he is from Water Country. I think... the information was kind of charred. So I read it as best as I could. But other then a name and possible location of the man I have nothing else to go on from the folder. *sigh*
Plans “D”, “E” and “F” I am not even going to go into detail on they were such monumental failures and to be honest were not the best of ideas either. Hell, a cloaked fellow in the bar gave me the idea behind “Plan E” and involved so many herbs I think I might have killed off some of my memory as apposed to gaining it back. Uggg, the mixed herb cocktail I had to drink was something I KNOW I am never going to forget no mater how much I try though. -_- Also, this may not be common knowledge. But trusting cloaked men in bars is not really such a great idea.
Six plans down the drain and that leads me to where I am now. Stuck in the middle of no where with still no knowledge of why I am here other then the name “Seisui Musashi” and a lump on my head. And to complicate the situation more I have officially ran out of dango. I though I brought enough to last for a while. But when you are in a panic you tend to go through them quicker. *sigh* Maybe I can catch Kurenai before she leaves and have her bring me some too...
Well. All I can do now is wait for Kurenai to show up. If she can even find this place I am at. Because I mean, I still have no clue where I am. -_- But hey, she’s smarter then me. Maybe she’ll read the moss covering the trees and the alignment of the sun and figure it out... I dunno.... Kurenai, please hurry. I’m going crazy here.