holy smokes!

Sep 16, 2006 20:36

SO i just read Katie's entry on being a senior and senior year and I feel werid now. Its like. Im a senior. Ive been dreaming of this moment since as long as I can remember. And I remember thinking elemntary school was so long, and then being a freshman and saying only a few more years and it'll all be over. I remember being sad about it and I remember wondering how am I going to live without my friends. How will I surivive college? And so I didnt think about for a few years. And now, this summer visiting them, Ive become so excited to go. And im so sick of high school with all of its drama, its lack of new opputunity. Ie had to go out and make my own oppurtunity. And I am so excited to go to college. I think because EWG is small so I dont get to meet any one new thats decent, friend or otherwise. Ive known these kids since kindergarten. So i feel comfortable around them, which is good. But sick of some of them and so tired of others that I just cant wait until I have hundreds of classmates. But I guess being a senior really hit me a couple of days ago. I was sitting in Mrs. Campbell's room, helping Alisse write aa resume out and I was staring out the window. And I was looking at the courtyard, and I remembered my brother's graduation. And I suddenly got sad--because it had finally hit me. In less than a school year, I would be at the Ryan Center graudating. I would be done. I would have survived 13 years of EWG education and I hadnt come out half bad. I would have survived 13 years of endless homework, impossible tests, stupid projectts. 13 years of friendship, love, hate, drama & memories. 13 years of growing and getting the foundation of who I am going to become in life. And yeah, I am incredibly excited about college. And I think, I know im going to be sad for senior year. And I think Im devistated. Because its my last homecoming, my last winterball, my last prom & my senior trip. And ultimately graduation. And I know Im going to be sad. But I cant help but be incredibly excited to get into new oppurtunities in college. And yeah, it feels great to have accomplished 12 years of education. But the feeling that I had when it really did hit me, its indescrible. Its sad, happy, joyful, relieved, nevous, scared, excited & bummed. Its something I want more than usual but yet not.

And to think this past summer was the last Ill ever have while in high school was outrageous.

And I thought I was going to get into a big talk about other stuff[[uh boys]] but Ive changed my mind. I think Ive done really really well lately not bothering anyone with that and Im not going to start.

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