(no subject)

Jul 21, 2006 18:02

havent updated in a whillleee

but summer isnt too bad.

lots of work, trying to get in all movies I can. and i love my world serires of pop culture & grey's anatomy that comes on during the weeks.

one summer reading book done, now just angela's ashes. still havent done my cal homework yet so math kids: letts get on that.

um. i started volunterring for NHS at the food bank. its ok. like whatever. just do a few 4 hour shifts and im done.

friends. friends have been interesting this summer. ive either gotten closer to you or further apart. there is none really in between. but it will be sad when summer ends

i havent been swimming nearly enough nor gone out nearly enough though. probably because my dads car is acting up so i dont really have a way of getting to places because i hate leeching to people.

lots of calm mellow music this summer. lots of dave matthews & john mayer.

im constatnly tired though. probably because of my month and a half cold.

and i sound like im complaining. but im not. yeah. i am bored a lot. and yeah im confused as shit & scared as hell right now. but thats ok. because it will all work out in the end. im trying not to interfere too much because well, im just trying something new.


i probably had more i wanted to say. but i didnt.

so. just talk to me.

we'll hang out and it will make more sense

oh but a news flash of the summer: boys[all males included]are beyond doubt more confusing them chemistry. actually. im sure you all knew that
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