that is our new baby.
a canon a520 that works wonderfully so far. i've only taken some really crappy test shots that i won't even bother posting, but when i do take some decent ones.. look out.
feist is on october 11th so i am hoping i can get some good shots there.. hoping. if we go. which i'm pretty sure we will be.
i really do not have anything of substance to be updating this journal with, i don't think. i'm just bored and waiting for my next class which is in like, an hour.
OH OH OH. on sunday october 2nd, i went to one of the most amazing shows ever.
belle orchestre. wolf parade. arcade fire.
kyle got the setlist so here it is in exact format-o.
NEIGHBORHOOD (.. it was Tunnels)
during rebellion, win came out into the crowd and was rocking out, and he came right in between me and this other girl. (we were front row, centre) while everyone was trying to surf him back to the stage, i almost touched his crotch. (sorry win, i didn't mean to)
belle orchestre was neato too. different style than wolf parade or arcade fire, so i'm glad they were the very first to play. there was a trumpet, a bass, french horn, violin, percussion-y type stuff. by the time wolf parade came on, my feet were killing me since we were the first at the show. but since wolf parade didn't get to sound check, we still had to wait a long time for them to get their junk all sorted out. i was a bit annoyed and thought i wouldn't be able to enjoy their set-- but once they started playing, i really got into it. they kind of sound like dying pubescent cows-- but in an extremely good way, if that is possible (it is)! arcade fire was on next and man oh man did they play. the whole crowd was extremely into it, which made it even better. i took some pictures (i didn't have the digital yet so boourns to that) and will post if they turn out once i get them developed. oh, i liked the post-show march down the sides of the crowd that arcade fire concluded their terrific, terrific show with as well.
this weekend kyle and i are going to my home for thanksgiving. yay. i guess it will be nice to get away for a bit and have some turkey and perogies and all that yummy stuff. it will put our whole fitness/eat healthier thing down the drain a bit, but what's one weekend of stuffing my face, right?
aaaand, i think that's all i have for right now. if somebody could suggest me a song or two, please go right ahead.
here's one for you: the belle orchestre - upwards march.