Episodes one and two of Season Five

Jul 03, 2005 22:00

Good List
~God, it feels good to do these lists again.
~Bam in a hood is just freaking adorable. Admit it.
~Waking up Vito for vacation by throwing clothes at him
~"You have an emergency sandwich by your bed?" ~Bam
~Shredding all of Vito's stuff
~Aww, Brandon's scared of heights
~New skating scenes in the introduction - fabulous.
~Is Vito losing weight? That's a good thing on my part.
~"Give me somethin' to drink besides a pinapple." ~Vito, holding a coconut
~Bob Burnquest landing from the air
~"You fell outta the sky. I'm not listenin' to nothin' you say." ~Vito
~Bam had to push Vito to keep him walking through the rainforest
~Brandon being in the back of Ape's PT Loser. I expected it, but it was still funny.
~"He's out of his mind, Ape. He's lost it." ~Phil, drenched, speaking of DiCo
~Vito still thinking 'molesta la breastas' means "Let me touch your breasts."
~"He doesn't even know how to skate the Brazilian way." ~Vito
~I'm completely convinced Bam will die by the hands of Vito one day. He shall be Bam's demise.
~Vito's perfect sand sculpture
~Rake's Baywatch scene
~April and Phil thinking DiCo was seriously crazy

Bad List
~Rake poops everywhere in the wild. See: The 3 Mile Island episode.
~Rake's speedo. *shudder*
~Waxing Vito! Not something I wanted to see.

Good List
~I love the new doors with the heartagrams on Castle Bam
~Bam's outfit in the beginning
~Getting April a horse that looks like her childhood horse
~Bam and Novak shirtless on the couch... *purr*
~DiCo's sound when he was bringing the Bug for April... you know what I mean.
~CKY playing in the background when Vito walks in Ape's art class
~The picture of the nude Vito in Novak's pants
~"No more surprises!" ~April
"Yes sir." ~Bam
~Bam's boxing robe
~Five hundo? Two hundo?
~April looks adorable for their dinner.
~Phil's still got a cheeseburger on his shirt
~Ape's insane hair in the picture with the Billy Idol poster
~Billy-freaking-Idol himself. Fuckin' hot for an old guy.
~"How the fuck do you have a six pack like that at the age you're at?" ~Bam to Billy
~Bam's eyeliner! ♥
~Billy's British accent. I'm a bitch for British accents... or Finnish accents...
~"Yes, this is Phil Margera, Bam's dad..." ~Phil
"Don't admit it." ~April
~Dancing and singing with Billy Idol in the car
~Leaving Vito in the middle of nowhere so he won't fuck anything up. Probably the best present BamBam gave her.
~"We don't have a car." ~April
"Who cares?" ~Phil, kissing her
~Aww, April was so happy rocking out at the concert.
~"You going to bed? I'm drinking." ~Bam
~Vito just walking into the place with his clown clothes on, and everyone knowing him
~"We came to wipe out your mini bar." ~Bam
~Bam kissing April on the cheek. Aww.

Bad List
~Getting rid of the kickass unicorns! *weep*
~April's horse shitting all over the floor. Ew.
~Vito being the nude model for April's art class
~Vito in a clown suit. *shudder* I hate clowns, and Vito as one doesn't make it any better.
~April and Phil stuck in the Bug, and having to get towed
~Billy sawing the top of Bam's new baby up! *weep* I heart that car. It's hot.

Whew, so there you go. I promised a double list, and I delivered it. I was happy that I could watch them tonight, even if it meant rushing home from the store and getting here just as the disclaimer started... oh well. What a good episode. Who else here thinks that Billy Idol and Bam make a hot couple? Not as hot as Vam, of course, but still pretty fuckin' hot... for Bam being with an old guy. And Bam and Novak... aww. But those are different stories. How are you all liking the new season so far? I think it looks pretty promising... besides the fact that it doesn't look like Ville or HIM are going to be in it at all. Well, they can always surprise us. Love to all of you, sweethearts.

~Love, Music, and Heartagrams~
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