Love you like i do

May 19, 2013 13:21

Title: Love you like I do
Author: Vam_story_lover
Pairing: Vam
Summary: Ville and Bam have split up. Ville was stupid and is sorry, but Bam isn't ready to forgive or forget. When Bam meets someone else will Ville even have a chance to get Bam back, or is it to late.
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone or anything mentioned. This story is made up and just a bit of fun.
Authors note: This is story number two. I am writing both stories at the same time. Please read and honest comments will be lovely.

Chapter 1.

"Ville baby I'm back, I changed my mind about going on a pub crawl with the guys". Bam noticed as he walked into the house that he and Ville had bought together for the past two years that all the lights were out and there was nothing but silence. Must of gone to bed, Bam thought. As he made his way up the stairs, he heard a little giggle, a giggle that matched his boyfriends, well that noise was unmistakable. Bam was just about to put his hand on the door handle when he heard a moan, he snatched his hand away from the handle and pressed his ear against the door. He more moans coming from his lover and Bam grinned wickedly. I love catching Ville jacking off, oh god its so hot. Just as Bam had thought this he heard another moan. This moan was not from his boyfriend. Alarm bells went off in Bam's head as his stomach flipped.

"Oh baby". That was not his boyfriends voice. Bam had tears in his eyes as he continued to listen. Ville no please don't be doing this to me. Bam's mind was racing as he thought of what to do. After a minute or two of wrestling with his thoughts, Bam took a deep breath and opened the door, and his worst fears were confirmed. He saw his boyfriend of six years (living with two),his first lover bouncing up and down on the lap of someone else. Bam just stood there, to shocked to do anything. He felt sick, how could Ville do this Bam's mind screamed at him. He winced as he witnessed his boyfriend come to his orgasm, the moan pierced through Bam's ears as he watched his boyfriend collapse on top of the other mans chest and roll off.

"Ville". Bam whispered. His voice came out so low that he didn't think Ville would have heard him. Then Ville turned his head to face him and he froze like a deer caught in headlights, his beautiful features in a state of shock as he noticed Bam standing there, tears threating to fall from his beautiful crystal blue eyes.
"Bam baby..I''s not what it looks like. Ville slurred. He tried to stand but he was tangled in the sheets, instead he sat there, bowing his head shamefully, looking at his knotted fingers.
"Not what it looks like, I just saw you bouncing on top of someone else and you are telling me its not what it looks like". Bam noticed that Ville's words were slurring and his eyes were bloodshot, his body swaying side to side.
"Ville are you drunk". Bam gasped. he had only left his boyfriend a few hours ago. How does someone get this drunk that fast.

"I cant believe you would do this to me, to could you". Bam asked. Ville could practically hear the heartbreak in is voice, he shuddered at this, not liking one bit that he had caused it.
"Baby I'm so sorry.. please forgive me, I love you". Ville whispered, his own tears trailing down his cheeks this time.
"Ha, you don't love me Ville, how could you, you don't do this to the person you love". He said, his words harsh. Bam wasn't upset now, he was angry. No doubt the tears would fall later, but he couldn't let Ville see that, he knew Ville would try to comfort him. and how could he deal with that, being comforted by the very man who hurt him in the first place.

" I really hope that orgasm was worth it Ville, because we are over". There was no emotion in Bam's voice, he felt to numb, to tired. Ville's head shot up in horror at those three awful words.
"Baby I'm sorry, Bam please!". Ville was crying hysterically now, he had managed to pull the sheets off him, not caring that he was still in fact naked and ran over to Bam to try to hug him. But Bam pushed him back a little and because he was drunk Ville had fallen on his arse with a thud.
"Don't you touch me when you have been fucking someone else, do you think I want a hug from you when you smell like someone else". Bam was beyond angry, hurt even more that the realisation of what actually happened could not of been just some horrible nightmare . Ville was naked, he tried to hug him while he was still naked. Bam felt the bile rise in his throat as he doubled over and dry heaved. He thought he was going to be sick, but it never came.

Then Bam realised he still doesn't know who was in his bed with his boyfriend, he looked from his boyfriend who was now crying on the floor to the bed he had shared with him for two blissful years. The bed was suddenly empty. Bam confused looked to the window and saw a black clothed body trying to escape through it. He ran over in a fury and grabbed the legs of the other man and violently pulls him back into the room, they tumbled into the room in a heap and Bam could no longer control his anger. He started to punch the body underneath him. He was able to control his anger around Ville for one simple reason, he could never hurt Ville. No matter how angry Bam got with whoever or whatever, he could never lay a hand on Ville, he would rather kill himself before doing damage to Ville like that.

Even now like this. Ville had ripped his heart out and he wouldn't, couldn't beat on him like he was beating the man underneath him. Bam finally stopped his assault when he heard Ville shout "Bam STOP PLEASE...Jussi isn't worth it". Bam turned his head to Ville. He felt even more sick than he did before.
"What did you just say" He whispered. As Bam was distracted looking at Ville, Bam didn't see the other man take the opportunity to shove Bam off his stomach and scramble back until he was a safe distance away. Bam sat back up after landing on his back and finally looked at the other man. And there he was Jussi from the 69 eyes. Ville had introduced Bam as his boyfriend to Jussi two years into their relationship. Bam new that he and Ville were good friends, but he still had this uneasy feeling about him. It was nothing to serious, he didn't feel like he was in danger when Jussi was around, no far from those feelings. It was more the feeling that Jussi likes Ville as much as Bam does. Bam could tell because whenever they would hang out together, he saw the way Jussi watches Ville, the same way Bam watches him with love, admiration, devotion and the killer of all things lust. Bam didn't like it one bit. But he tought he couldn't say anything to Ville about it because Ville and Jussi have been frinds going on ten years now, way before Bam and Ville had even met.

And now the bastard sits there, knees drawn to his chest, arms locked around them, shame all over his face as well, he was looking anywhere apart from Bam. Jussi tried to avoid looking into the storm that raged in those blue eyes. Bam crawled to Jussi and took his chin in one hand and forced the other fin to look him in the eye. Jussi finally settled his gaze on Bam's and his eyes went wide as he saw the murderous look on Bams handsome face.
"I knew you wanted him". Bam said slowly. He was trying to scare Jussi and from the look on Jussi face it was working. Good, he is scared of me. He bloody well should be. Bam thought.
"I knew you wanted my boyfriend, I could see it from the first minute I met you,i could see it in the way you looked at him. You thought you hid it so well because no one else knew, Ville didn't even know himself. But I knew, I knew and scared the hell out of you, that's why you have always avoided being alone in a room with me".

Bam pushed Jussi head back into the wall he was sitting against. He smiled as Jussi's head smacked against the wall and he cradled his head and groaned in pain. Bam finally looked over to Ville. "I see you finally had the grace to put some close back on". Bam spat at him.
Ville looked hurt and looked to the floor again. He deserved that. He knew that, but it still hurt. Bam had never spoken to him so coldly before in their six years. But still Ville deserved it. He had only put on a pair of old trackies, but it was better than being naked.Ville looked up in time to see Bam walk past him and he followed. Before Bam could slam the door in his face, Ville pleaded with him.
"Bam please, it was a mistake, please". Ville's words were not slurred anymore as he looked at Bam, desperately wanting him to say something, all Bam said was
"I will be back for my stuff tomorrow morning".
And with that said Bam slammed the door shut and walked away.

genre:angst, rating:pg-13, fic:bam/non-ville, rating:nc-17, author:v

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