Sigillum Diaboli

Sep 02, 2012 21:29

Title: Sigillum Diaboli  (Chapter Two)
Author: sinsrose
Pairing: Vam
Rating: Rated PG-13- NC-17

Brandon (Bam) Margera was an innocent average collage kid just trying to survive. This dreams have always been his personal dreams, sometimes he wonders if they are real or not. Sometimes he wakes up with markings on his skin, wounds he cannot place, and things he cant explain to the guys and his family even if he tried. His nightmares take a turn for a worse when he meets Ville Valo in a club one night, a finnish rock singer with a Wicked Game to play with him. One that might just might cost him his soul and what's left for his humanity.

Disclaimer: I don't own Bam, Ville or any of these characters, and please if you are these people hit the back button, it will save you from being horrorfied.
Warnings: Non-con (rape), Religious themes (angels & demons), eating disorders, thoughts of sucuide, sexual content bewteen males.

Chapter Two:

Thump, thump thump. He could hear his racing heartbeat in his ears.  A cold sweat dripped off his skin, and it left it in small drips.  The dream it felt too real. It felt too vivid. He forced himself to stand off his bed, Goosebumps littering his skin. He ran a hand though his black hair trying to calm his breathing, the memory of fingers dancing across his skin vivid in his mind.

He heard their apartment door open and barreling in his loud roommate came. The male was around twenty-three two years older than himself. Ryan Dunn was his name though he had nicknames such as (Random Hero, Prima Dunna, Plugs). He had a bit of weight and had a blonde hair and beard that went along with crystal blue eyes. He had known Dunn himself since he was a kid and the pair had been very good friends since and moved in with one another.

Dunn took a glance at him, looking up and over his frame and frowned. “Bam you okay?” He asked him, coming to stand by the fear stricken male from his nightmare.

“I’m okay.” He muttered to Ryan, running a hand though his locks again, it was still dark out from what he could see from the windows, early morning if he wasn’t mistaken.

“Just checking.” Ryan muttered back before pulling an old pair of sweats and an old tee to wear for clothes to sleep in before he retreated to his bed.

Bam on the other hand went into the bathroom splashed cold water onto his skin, trying to wake himself up. It didn’t feel like just a dream. Bam could feel that by the markings on his wrists, his mind didn’t dwell much on it however, and he turned out of the bathroom, laid across his sheets and tried to rest his state of mind. Much to his disappointment he didn’t fall asleep.


Classes bored him to no end. Either he fiddled with his phone or couldn’t sit still during lecture classes. Sometimes he even wondered why he was even majoring in something at all. His classes dragged on for him, Bam would rather spend his time chilling with Ryan in his auto body shop than sit in a class listening to a professor talk and talk and talk.

Classes got out a decent hour for the most part. The only reason he could even afford collage was because his parents were actually rich and had a ton of money. He didn’t really care for collage honestly. Bam stared off into space outside, a smoke hanged loosely from his fingertips, as he took a drag every now and then. The rush of nicotine coming into his lungs and was filling them with the sweet chemicals that they lived on. His headphones across his shoulder one ear bud in his ear.

Bam skated back to his apartment. He didn’t really care about the fact he shouldn’t skate around here. He had done it plenty of times even with people around here. Despite his upbringing in a catholic school and his parents trying to correct him of his rebellious behavior, nothing really worked to fix it.  He purposely would get himself into trouble when he was younger.  Catholic schools were just really controlling and bullshitted a lot or so Bam thought when he had been exposed to them when he was in high school anyway.

It was a whole other issue when he found out he liked both sexes’ not just ladies like normal boys did. His parents didn’t really like it all that much, nor did their faith. They thought it was a sin and unjust, and hellish. His mother April had flipped out at him so badly that she ended up pushing him through a window when he was around fourteen. His father Phil was the one that drove him to get stitches in that same night.

Bam can still remember Phil saying when he was in that agony saying “You don’t tell anyone of this and it remains a secret between you your mother and I understand?”  Bam didn’t bring up the fact he was pushed out a window to anyone or suffered injuries, but his parents never gave up their attempts to change who he was. Bam by the time he was sixteen was living in his own apartment, he got kicked out and the most he had- well what was left from home was his black rosary and that was it. He lived on his own since then, transferred to a public school, and then met Ryan in his last two years of high school and became good friends with him.

Bam never brought up the fact he liked guys to any of his friends, but somehow Ryan just knew. Ryan just knew somehow, he never asked Bam his preference but he knew Bam was different the moment he transferred from a private catholic school to a public school when he was younger. Bam likewise never asked Ryan his sexuality.  Bam sighed snapping out of his thoughts as he got back to his apartment, his crappy car was parked on the side of the street. Ryan was leaning against the wall of their shared apartment, smoking it seemed himself.  “How was your day?” Bam inquired, he didn’t smoke as often as Ryan, it was mostly when he went out to bar or when he was stressed.

“Better, nothing new.” Ryan said briefly exhaling a drag his blue eyes staring into the open space. “Thinkin of going out to a club. I need a change in life.” His eyes said it all, something was bothering him again.

“Something happen Dunn?” Bam asked him coming to stand beside him when he got off his skateboard.

“Girl cheated on me again.” It was a bitter response from Dunn, not heard often off key like that.

“That blows man.” Bam said back frowning, that was the fourth girl for Ryan that had done something like that to him. That was really crappy luck. “Maybe a few drinks and a change of scene will help you.” Bam said thoughtful, he hated seeing Ryan upset or hurt like this, they looked out for one another.

“Yeah, sounds good to me. You up for it Bam?” Ryan asked him, letting out another drag of smoke before putting it out.

“Sounds awesome, if you ask me.” Bam said with a grin back at his friend. “Just let me go change. Okay?”

Ryan nodded, and went to start the car. Bam just grinned wide in return as he went to change into something more fitting for a club.

The night was still young after all….

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