Sigillum Diaboli 1.0

Aug 29, 2012 13:40

Title: Sigillum Diaboli  (Chapter One)
Author: sinsrose
Pairing: Vam
Rating: Rated PG-13- NC-17

Brandon (Bam) Margera was an innocent average collage kid just trying to survive. This dreams have always been his personal dreams, sometimes he wonders if they are real or not. Sometimes he wakes up with markings on his skin, wounds he cannot place, and things he cant explain to the guys and his family even if he tried. His nightmares take a turn for a worse when he meets Ville Valo in a club one night, a finnish rock singer with a Wicked Game to play with him. One that might just might cost him his soul and what's left for his humanity.

Disclaimer: I don't own Bam, Ville or any of these characters, and please if you are these people hit the back button, it will save you from being horrorfied.
Warnings: Non-con (rape), Religious themes (angels & demons), eating disorders, thoughts of sucuide, sexual content bewteen males

A/N (Finnish Words: Kulta= Sweetheart, Enkeli: Angel)

Chapter One:

Smoldering eyes stared across the scarred skin, his fingers brushing across it with a delicate sinful touch. It felt like a smoldering fire in the pit of his stomach that coiled under his skin spreading across him like a wave, he could feel his breath hitch at every touch. Emerald eyes burning into his cobalt eyes. Every touch every move felt like fire rushing though his veins, it felt like the sweetest sin. Maybe it was. A sharp noise escaped his breath; his fingers dancing in the sheets tangled in them from the fire running though his heart and mind. Ensnaring him like a cat in heat.

“Lord. God have mercy for my sins.” He choked on the words letting out a noise that sounded of pleasure though his pale pink lips. Green eyes danced before his vision with a kind of mirth, ranking across his skin again sometimes digging into the flesh creating small lines that pooled blood onto his tanned skin. “Mercy” He whispered again, his voice giving into the pleasure, his fingers limp and tangled in the sheets, sweat glistening from his skin. This was so wrong.

“God won’t forgive you now...” The voice was slightly accented, the words like sin across the shell of his ear, his fingers tracing down his hip bone rubbing, a jolt of heat running though his skin. “You’re on my side now. Just give in. You signed in your own blood.” He purred snaking an arm around his waist holding the larger of the males still against him. Oceanic eyes stared back into jade, soaked in perspiration, his hands held bound behind him with black leather cuffs. “You were so innocent than. What’s the difference, you had no problem playing with me than. Kulta.” The voice like debauchery whispered, hot breath hitting his ear.

“You’re a fiend.” He spat at the devil’s face that merely returned an impish smirk across his lips.

“So I’ve been called.” The demon laughed, almost seeming playful when he did, his fingers touching the underside of his chin. Then drifted down to the bare skin of his nipple flickering across it, making the bond male let out a implacable noise, and squirmed a little at the touch. “Release your innocence, Enkeli. Submit to me.” A breath like poison fanned against the skin of his ear.

“Never.” The male shouted, and then a sharp hot pain smelted him across his skin.

And then nothing, it was an abysses of darkness before clear blue eyes. And then a jolt as a male rolled off the bed in his home in West Chester Pennsylvania, eyes stricken with fear, and drenched in sweat as he pulled himself off the floor trying to process what in the world had just exactly happened. What didn’t scare him was the dream what scared him was the cuff like markings pressed into his skin, and he tried to grab ahold of himself, before he lost anymore of his sanity.

genre:horror, rating:r, genre:supernatural, rating:nc-17, author:s

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