The Seven Sins

Jun 20, 2012 22:02

Title: The Seven Sins  
Rating: PG 13ish? I don't really know, sorry.
Summary: Pride, Gluttony, Evny, Greed, Lust, Sloth, and Wrath all in one short Vammy package.
Disclaimer: Don't own them, this isn't true.
Authors note: First story in a long time, and first ever written in this way. I don't have a beta, but I did my best. The idea was taken from a prompt (I don't remember whose, sorry) posted a few months ago.

Lucifer/ Pride
Pride is excessive belief in ones own abilities, that interferes with the individuals recognition of the grace of god. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity.

The pencil traced emerald eyes, leaving a soft trail of black, as the man leaned in close to the mirror. Finishing his makeup, Ville took a step back, eyeing his body in the mirror for a minute, a smirk playing lightly on his lips. His hair was perfect, his eyeliner was perfect, his clothes were perfect, nothing the least bit out of place. He was ready. He turned on his heel, flipping the light off out of habit as he strolled out of the room, shaking his hips as he went. He headed for the door, then stopped in his tracks. Something was missing. He turned, scanned the room. Then a smile slipped over his lips. It took just two extra steps to grab the scarf from where it hung, and a glimpse of violet material was all to be seen as the door fell closed behind him.

Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.

The three men walked into the restaurant, the green eyed beauty at the lead, as always. Behind came a man with long blonde dreadlocks, and another with a cowboy hat overshadowing his face. They were shown to there seats quickly, the hostess unable to tear her eyes away from the trio of men. They did not look at the menus they were given, ordering as soon as the waiter arrived in the manner of those who had a habit of feasting at the same places. Their food was brought quickly, and the men dug in. Silence overcame the table, not a word was spoken as the trio attacked the plates set before them. They ate as kings, feasting on the spoils of a hard won hunt, tearing into their food like they had no other cares in the world. The only movements made that wern't to bring food to mouths was to wipe away the mess with bright orange napkins.

Envy is the desire for others traits, status, abilities, or situation

As with all good things, the food came to an end, and as the men waited patiently on dessert, two of the men started talking, laughing at things long past. Ville, however did not join in their laughter, instead he scanned the restaurant out of boredom, never glancing at one thing for more than a second before flipping his gaze to something else. But slowly, the gazed stilled, and the green eyes glittered. There was a beauty there, a man with short, curly brown hair, and eyes that could beat the oceans themselves in blue.A man who rivaled himself in beauty. He leaned against another man, laughing and touching his arm, ever so slightly. The green eyed man knew that the other man could never appreciate the beauty next to him, not the way he could. He should be the one being flirted with so openly. And if he had anything to say about it, he would. The beautiful man, playing with the green scarf around his neck, would be his.

Greed is the disire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetness. (In this, greed is defined as the need to have something, not necessarily money)

He stared at the blue eyed god, eyes narrowed. Such a perfect being, on the arm of such a rouge. It couldn't be. This man, sipping his beer in a way both delicate and manly-and oh so delicious- had to be his. He just had to. No matter what price he had to pay, he would soon belong to Ville, heart, soul, and body. All of that delicious body. Ville timed their exits perfectly, managing to convince his trio to leave just before the other group.He timed it just so, so that he turned ever so slightly, and bumped into the smaller brunette. Oh so sorry, are you alright? Well yes, I'm in HIM. Oh, your a fan? Well, how about we go talk somewhere quieter? The smaller man, Bam, as he introduced himself, fell victim to Ville's charm so easily, and allowed himself to leave on the arm of the singer, unaware of the possessive hold the other man held onto him as they slid into the yellow taxi.

Lust is an inordiate craving for the pleasures of the body.

Just minutes after arriving at Ville's home, he had the brnnette against the wall. Their lips collided so hard their teeth clang together, and both knew their lips would be bruised the following day. Hands were everywhere, both men were shirtless less then a minute from when the door fell closed behind them. Somehow, the taller man got them into his bedroom. The fell upon the bed together, never breaking apart, and in a haze of lips, teeth, and fingers, their remaining clothes dissapeared, not to be thought of again until morning. A quick fumble in a drawer, managed still without breaking away from the blue eyed beauty, Ville produced a small tube and a condom. With a primal grin, he finally pulled back, he shoved Bam down onto the blue bed sheets, and their lips, and their bodies, met once again.

Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work

Hours later, the two are laying in the same bed, resting quietly in each others arms. Neither man says a word, content to simply bast in the aftermath of their passion. A slow stretch of a tattooed arm produces a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, and then the men truly relax, breathing in the sweet nicotine. For a long time, the only movements from either man were to simply take a slow drag on a cigarette, or to light a new one once the old had passed into nothing but ashes and a filter. Slowly, the time slipped away, and soon the two were drifting away with it. Ville was first to go, stabbing his cigarette out in a nearby ashtray before his green eyes slowly closed. The other man did the same, before moving close to Ville once again, his light blue eyes sliding closed once his head lay on the taller mans chest.

Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as wrath.

Ville slowly arose from the darkness of his dreams, a smile playing over his lips as the memories of the night before, of his blue eyed god, played before his still closed eyes. He stretched slowly, leisurely, only to feel cold sheets were he should have felt a warm body. His eyes flew open, and he sat straight up in bed. A quick survey of the room showed that Bam truly wasn't there. NO. Ville refused to believe the man had taken off. He jumped out of bed, running into the bathroom. No Bam. The kitchen. No Bam. The living room, dining room, every fucking room of the house was checked. No Bam. He came to a stop in front of the door. Unlocked. Bam was gone. He hadn't even left a fucking note. A scream tore from Ville's lips, the lamp swung off the table. It burst into tiny shards against the wall, softly raining down to the carpet below. Next was a picture, then the coffee table was over turned. In a rage, Ville threw, punched, broke, and screamed at everything in sight. When he finally came back into himself, breathing heavy and probably about to have an asthma attack, he stared down at his hands. His bleeding fingers, clenched into tight fists, so tight they were turning white in a stark contrast to the condemning red.

fic:one-shot, rating:pg-13, genre:drabble

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