One Last Time (1/2)

Nov 09, 2011 19:12

Title: One Last Time

Rating: R/ NC-17, I'm not sure which, gets a bit sexually graphic though.

Summary: Ville's POV. Oh at least you could try, for this one last time, it could be alright for this one last time. Ville and Bam are  re-united after two years apart.

A/N: This isn't a song fic, it was only after I wrote it that I realised One Last Time fits quite well with the story line. It's mega long, so I've split it into two. I am really, really, really nervous about posting this. I am awful with summaries! Well here it goes :)

(One Last Time- Part One)

genre:angst, rating:nc-17, author:v, 1000+

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