Fic: Nine In The Afternoon (you could, 'cause you can, so you do) 2/15

Nov 05, 2011 00:16

Title: Nine In The Afternoon (you could, ‘cause you can, so you do) 2/15
Author: melindajane
Word Count: 5839 (for this chapter)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Ville/Bam, Ville/Brendon, Brendon/Spencer, Ville/OMC, Bam/OMC+OFC
Disclaimer: I don’t own boys (specifically these boys). Please don’t sue me, because this obviously didn’t happen.
Warnings: Take a deep breath folks, this is going to be a long warning. Underage boys having consensual sex. Underage boys drinking and doing just a tiny bit of drugs. A little bit of violence, homophobia, and bullying (it is a HS AU after all). Blasphemy and a bit of negativity toward the Mormon faith (sorry to any LDS people out there, I think you’re great!). Angst and arguments all around! Read at your own risk!
Author’s Notes This story would not be possible without the kind and wonderful bluespire! She has taken time out of her busy schedule to look over my crazy story and fix the majority of my mistakes. Anything left that is wrong obviously happened when I played with it after she gave me the band-aids! Seriously though, the girl held my hand through the whole thing and gave me lots of good feedback while I was writing furiously. She should get half credit for this, and a cookie, and of course my general mushy love and affection! Also a big thank you goes out to anyone who read and commented on the drabbles that I posted on vamble! It was nice knowing that people were interested in this, even if it isn’t my usual shtick.
Summary: Ville moves to West Chester right before he starts his freshman year of high school. He’s awkward, he has an annoying gap in his teeth, his accent is so thick that no one can understand him, and to top it all off, his best friend Brendon is a geek. Through it all he tries to hide the embarrassing moments of his life from his older brother Jesse. Ville makes his way to graduation with his faithful sidekick Brendon, an impossible crush on Bam Margera, the most understanding parents of all time, and a little luck from an old lady.

I’m a friends only girl, so you’ll have to friend me to read this. But don’t worry, I love meeting new LJ friends!

Intro Post
Nine In The Afternoon (you could, 'cause you can, so you do) 1/15

Nine In The Afternoon (you could, 'cause you can, so you do) 2/15

fic:bam/oc, fic:ville/non-bam, fic:series, rating:nc-17, genre:crossover, genre:au, fic:bam/non-ville, author:m

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