One shot~

Oct 30, 2011 10:04

Title: Goodnight Smoke

Author: xbrokendollzx

Pairing: VAM

Summary: Bam's newly developed addiction to cigarettes proves to also be a pain in his ass. Ville however....sees it as the perfect opening.

Rating: R well....maybe NC-17 because of the smuttyness.

Disclaimer: Don't own, never happened. But you know that, don't you?

Author's Note: Halloween treat for all of you darlings!

It was a fucking travesty. All he needed was one. One fucking smoke. Of all the times he could run out, this was the absolute worst. Bam mumbled softly to himself as he practically tore the kitchen apart, sifting through numerous empty cigarette cartons which was obviously serving him no purpose. He'd sworn that he saved at least a couple but apparently not. He was never one to monitor he many packs he went through because quite frankly, he didn't give two shits about the count.

Having them was the only thing that mattered to him. He had gotten so addicted that for some reason he wasn't able to fall asleep if he didnt have one beforehand. He'd be up all night, annoying his lover as he paced the halls and tossed and turned in the bed, craving the nicotine. In other words he was completely restless and irritable which was why he and Ville's sex life hadn't been so hot lately. The older man down right refused to have any kind of sex because he was being "Too much of a little bastard, and needed to fucking grow up." Bam winced. He had a feeling Ville didn't appreciate being told he needed to "Pull his head out of his nordic, narrow, prissy ass."

Which was why he was banned from their bedroom until further notice. Or, until Ville pulled his head out of his nordic, narrow, prissy, snot nosed ass. Bam groaned and let his head fall into his folded arms that rested ontop of the counter. He really needed to stop letting the lack of nicotine talk. Before he knew it, Ville would be shoving divorce papers in his face because he was being such a dick.

The useless sleeping pills his doctor had given him would do nothing but turn his stomach, and there was absolutely no booze in the house to catch a little drowzy buss from because of Ville living in his sober shack. He might have been a little miffed at him, but he respected him to no extent. Bam kept all alcohol out of the house because of his past issues with it with no questions asked, no discussion. The only way he could even bring cigs in was if he kept his promise to Ville and went outside whenever he lit up.


Bam turned and instantly began to concoct an explaination for why the kitchen looked like multiple natural disasters had hit, trying his absolute best to make sure it was actually valid. He had a feeling that "I was looking for my cigs" wouldn't go over so well with Ville at all, who stood in the doorway leaning against the pane slightly. Bright emerald orbs slowly scanned the room as he surveyed the mess silently. The soft pout on his lips made it absolutely visible that he had been asleep, along with his extreme case of bed head and his squinting as he tried to adjust to the bright light that illuminated the kitchen.

"Okay baby, before you freak out on me I just wanna explain," Bam held his hands up and then gestured around. "This? Was like....all on purpose, but for good ass reason."

"Good purpose in who's case?" Ville mumbled back softly stifling a yawn, his smooth baritone laced with fatigue.

Bam thought about his awnser for a moment, shivering under the blank green gaze that bore into him expectedly. "....Don't be pissed."

"If I'm remembering clearly, I'm already pissed at you. I would just like to know what kind of mayhem you're causing."

"'s in my case. No, no wait. You too, it's good for you too."

Ville snorted and shook his head. "And what is your reasoning? Seeing as I'm the one who will most likely be cleaning this crap up, there is no good purpose in my case." He reached up to rub his eye and stepped further into the cluttered kitchen.

"Well, my cigs are missing...I looked every-fucking-where for them. Not even a god damned filter, babe." Bam emphasized his last words by showing him an empty cigarette carton, shaking it a little.

Ville raised an eyebrow and them nodded in understanding with a tiny grin. Of course.

" that's why my kitchen is in shambles. Love, as much as I hate to tell you this and break your sweet little heart, your cigarettes aren't "missing." They're gone because you've smoked them all. I know it might be so very hard to believe but you have to go to this place called "The Store," outside of this house to get more."

"Fuck off."

"It's so very frightning, I know Bammie."

"I said fuck off!"

"If you think you sound menacing, I suggest you push that thought far, far from your mind. You're rather amusing."

Bam rolled his eyes as his boyfriend bagan to chuckle softly, and shoved the lithe finn gently. "Ah, whatever smart ass. I don't feel like going out and I need some sleep. I got a comp now."

Ville sighed, taking in the annoyed whine and pout that  Bam ended the sentence with. His poor Bammie. "Then come to bed and get your can get your fags on the way to the comp tomarrow." He whispered into his ear softly, tugging at the lobe. "I'll make sure you get to sleep with no problems. Of might be a bit sore."

He slipped his arm around Bam's waist and began to pull him away from the kitchen counter whilst pressing a soft kiss to the nape of his neck. Bam groaned softly feeling the tender kisses tickle his skin and began to consider the extremely tempting offer. If he went upstairs then he was most likely getting laid...or so it seemed anyhow. Afterword he'd still need a cigarette. Was he really thinking about smokes when his hot as fuck husband had the full intention of fucking his brains out? Yeah, he had issues.

"I still need my cig, baby. Even after you do me."

"Who says there is going to be any doing after what you've done to this kitchen?" Ville inquired teasingly, rocking sharp hips into Bam's ass.

"You wouldn't deprive me or yourself anymore."

"I have."

"Once, for like two fucking weeks."

"You attacked me and held me down."

Bam smirked and tossed Ville a coy glance over his shoulder. "I don't remember your ass struggling."

Ville licked his lips and pressed into him harder. "You wouldn't either if I had the tip of your cock in my mouth...swirling my tongue slowly around. Sucking you right down into my throat."

Bam stiffened and then pushed back helplessly into the rock hard erection encased by sleek silk pajamas and little else, loving the feel of it sliding against the crease of his ass through his jeans.

"Holy fuck. Ville, I-I.."

"You what?" Ville's hand slid down the front of his body, nimble fingertips lifting up the bottom of his CKY shirt, coaxing the younger man's arms up do he could pull it off and reveal smooth, tanned ink flesh.

Ville's hands were driving Bam completely to the brink. His head fell back against a strong shoulder as his hands danced erotically over his body. His fingers tugged at his sensitive nipples. caressing and teasing until they hardened. His back arched when Ville pinned him against the counter using his full body strenghth, forcing him to bend over it with his hands restrained.

"I want you so badly, my love." Ville murmured against his neck, grabbing his hips into a tight death grip as he rocked into him provocatively. Bam's finger tips dug into the marble of the counter, gripping it.

"Oh my fucking...Ville you'd better be fucking me sometime soon. I swear if you-"

Ville smirked and reached around his body, cupping his length through thick denim. "Is that what you need? Me, sliding in and out of your tight little ass?" Ville's hand tightened, massaging him roughly.

Bam had had enough of Ville being a prick tease. He whimpered and reached down ripping at his belt. He determined to get his pants off so he could finally get what he was aching for. Sometimes it had to be him that took control of things.

"Now." He ordered, shoving his boxers and jeans down to his ankles.

Ville watched him thoughtfully. "What If I told you...I could give you your smoke?" He asked, pumping Bam's pulsing cock almost achingly slow.

"W-Wha?" Bam's eyes widened when a white stick was pushed between his lips.

"If you can hold the cigarette between your lips whilst i'm fucking you, then you can have it. If not then I snap it in half." Ville explained, leaning back and hitching his pajamas down around his thighs.

Bam simply nodded and tightened his lips around the filter, groaning softly when Ville's slick long fingers began to rub around his tight entrance. He pushed back against them, craving the sensation of his lover's thick cock filling him. At a deliberate torturously decelerate pace, Ville pushed two fingers deep inside of him and his body shot up off of the counter, shuddering as the pleasure numbed him completely. Bam threw his head back and thrusted up into Ville's hand that encircled him, stifling a desperate whine. He loved the way Ville took control of him like this, reduced him to practically begging.

"Do you want me to fuck you now, sweetheart?" Ville purred, crooking his fingers up to graze his prostate, holding the squirming skater down as he practically sobbed in complete rapture. He stilled the bucking hips by pressing him even tighter into the counter.

Bam grunted lowly in his throat when Ville pulled his finger from him, His head dropped forward, cheeks tinted a soft pink, body shaking slightly as he awaited that familiar fullness that was soon to come. As if on cue,Ville rested his chin on his shoulder and pulled his cheeks apart entering him carefully. He wrapped his arm around him, trying to contain himself as he pushed deeper into Bam's ass. Bam reached back and grabbed Ville's hip, yanking it forward. He screamed and let the cigarette fall from his mouth, cock throbbing and leaking against his belly. Ville lapped away the beads of sweat running down Bam's shoulder and slowly withdrew himself, then slammed right back into him, eyes rolling back.

"Oh god, baby, yes!" Bam cried out, jerking himself off viciously. He felt as if his body was about to explode when Ville smacked his ass sharply, thrusting into him frantically.

"So tight, so perfect." Ville watched with glazed over eyes as he slid in and out of Bam, catching his bottom lip between his teeth at the sight. He snapped and yanked Bam up by messy brown curls, chest pressing flush into his sweaty back, roughly fucking his in deep rythymic strokes. Bam writhed and moaned whorishly, breaths pratically labored.

"Deeper, fucking yes Ville!" Bam turned his head and slammed his lips to Ville's. Ville kissed him back hungrilly, biting  and sucking at his lips with just as much passion and lust, stomach tightening signalling his climax.

Teeth clashed and tongues plundered in and out of eachother's mouths as the pace picked up wildly. With a loud cry Bam came hard, body jerking as ribbons of cum shot all over his fist and onto the kitchen counter. It triggered Ville rigght away and withing moments his nails were digging violently into his skin as he released in hot spurts deep inside of him. With a breathy giggle, Ville collapsed against his back spooning him gently.

"Love you darling." He whispered, stroking damp curls away from his face.

"Love you too, Willa. Now get off, my ribs are killing me," Bam pressed a quick kiss to pouting pink lips and then wriggled out of Ville's looseded grasp, stepping back to slowly bend down and hitch his jeans and boxers back up. His ass ached a little but he didnt mind. It was the good kind of sore he felt, like Ville was still inside of him. "What are you pouting at?" He grinned and poked his lover playfully in the ribs.

"You always know how to kill the romance, don't you?"

"Well excuse me, dear, but the "romance" was dead when you slapped my ass like I was some whore."

"Are you sure it wasn't when you came all over the place where food is prepared?"

"Says the man that fucked me over the place where food is prepared."

"And I suppose you were trying to stop me?"

"Were you trying to stop? I was fine before you came along, and grabbed me."

Ville snickered at Bam's mock virtuous expression. "You have sex with me, enjoy it throughly and then complain about it. Yes my dearest love, this is an example of the many things that made me commit myself to you."

"Now I'm offended."

"It was certainly meant to be offensive."

"Oh, shut up." Bam swatted Ville's backside and then his eyes lit up suddenly. "I almost forgot."
He reached for the cigarette that dropped out into the sink almost gleefully. With a quick flick of his wrist, Ville turned on the faucet and picked at his nails innocently as Bam began to babble.

"You lost." He stated as a matter of factly.

Bam clenched his fists, livid that prefectly good nicotine had been wasted. "Lost? What the fuck do you mean lost-"

"It fell out of your mouth and we had an agreement, remember?" Ville shrugged and shut the water off. "Or were you too caught up with demanding that I fuck you harder?"

"....What the hell am I supposed to do now?!" Bam exclaimed. "I need my smoke."

"Well if you need it that bad then go to the store. It's the only alternative you have other than waiting until morning."

"But you had....wait a sec. You has that cig this whole time. You must have...where did you get it? You don't smoke anymore so why would you even..." Bam narrowed his eyes as a conniving grin stretched Ville's lips.

Ville sighed softly and crossed his arms over his chest, looking up through sooty eyelashes. He looked anything but sorry. "If you must know, I got it from the full carton you kept upstairs in the bedside drawer."

"I have a full pack?" Bam's eyes lit up and he began to instantly dig through his pocket for his lighter with full intention to demolish the entire carton before he passed out.

"You had a full pack of cigarettes."

Bam blinked slowly and then closed his eyes. "Please tell me you didnt...."

"Of course I did. I knew you would react this way when you found that you were all out. You would have to go to the store, or wait," Ville regarded him knowingly. "You're the most impatient brat on the planet. Of course you wouldn't settle."

Bam shook his head incredulously. "All of this....for what?"

"I wanted chocolate and I didn't feel like going, I figured that on your way to get fags you could pick some up for me. Childish, I know. But tactical."

"....You did all of this for fucking chocolate? Beause you were too lazy to go get it yourself and you complain about me?"

Ville smiled sweetly. "Well, you did destroy my kitchen, and told me that it would benifit me. Think of this as retribution. We'll both get what we want."

"When the fuck did you  get so crafty?"

"I am married to a jackass, after all." Ville giggled, kissing him softly. "Hazlenut will do."

Bam stormed out of the kitchen, grabbing his coat on the way. "I'll give your ass hazlenut, sexy conniving bastard."

That's the end of it, sweethearts! Tell me how you liked it, if you didn't, what made you giggle, whatever! Your thoughts inspire me.

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