I iz noob...here. Well, I always speculated, gushed and fangirled over Ville and Bam together. They have amazing chemistry and it practically glows like a searchlight.
So, as being a noob and being neighborly -- I brought a small fic. Should only take a minute or two (excluding my intro) to finish.
Title: Rebel Yell
Author: n3l0_yz.
Pairing: Hint of Vam.
Rating: PG
Summary: A small snippet of Bam meeting the band for the first time.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything. I swear to god! I only borrowed them, tortured them and made them eat my atrocious cooking, then I sent the band back to Finland and Bam may or may not be home.
Warnings: zero, zip, nada...it might be cute...too cute. So grab a Bam bear.
Author's Notes: My first attempt at 2nd pov. So, some mistakes in regards to tenses. Slight and minor, it won't kill your eyes.
Last night a little dancer
Came dancin' to my door
You come to the door, nervous and on edge like you’re high on drugs; a feeling that you couldn’t shake, didn’t want to shake because it’s a sign that you’re alive.
“…lapsi?” A rough and deep voice stopped you in midstep and you look up at the overly muscled man with black spikes.
“I don’t speak Finnish.” You mumbled half-heartedly and wondering if he spoke English.
“What are you doing here, kid?” He demanded, crossing his arms and frowning at you.
You swallow an irritated retort and respond with something much nicer than ‘I’m fuckin’ here to see the band.’
“I’m with MTV- .” You offer instead, apprehensive of what he could and might do. “ -here to see the band.”
It wasn’t a total lie, you were here to see the band.
Last night a little angel
came pumpin' on my floor
Without a tag or a backstage pass, you were unsure of the security’s action but he nodded and tilted his head.
“Go on back.”
A smile lit your face as you nearly ran towards the ‘STAR’ door, unbelievable and elated at the same time that something was going right for once in your life. Well, actually a lot of things were, this was no exception. You knock twice, the sound of your knuckle on the wood reverberated throughout the hall.
A man holding a bottle and chuckling, probably from what his band mates said, opened the door. You shiver and your body feels cold; frozen in place just as the blond turns towards you.
She said come baby
You got a license for love
Despite your nerves partying like it’s new years, you’re face twisted into a dumbfounded expression. “Uh, what?”
You didn’t speak a word of Finnish and you’re unsure if the guitarist spoke English as well.
“I said yes..asked yes? Yes, I mean.” The blonde said, making you smile and your nerves vaporized in the flick of a second.
“I’m from MTV.” You shove your hand under his nose and he shakes your hand before abruptly pulling you in.
And if it expires
Bring Hell from above because
He says something in Finnish to the other members and stragglers from the concert, whom you instantly ignore.
“That’s Gas over there eating all the food, Mige is on the couch with his hand beneath that girl’s shirt and I’m Linde.”
You goofily smile as you’re dragged around the room being introduced to random strangers and people somewhat associated with the band in one way or other.
A door opens and your attention quickly turns towards the sound. It was the remaining members of the band; the singer and keyboardist; and both appeared to be in a deep discussion and the only thing you’ve became aware of is that the band’s frontman had a beautiful voice.
“That’s Ville and Burton.” Linde mumbled in your ear, arms around your shoulder as both turned to look at you. Linde says something in Finnish, followed by your name, ‘Bam.’
“…from MTV.” You input, just in case he forgot. The three smiled at you, making you feel like a little kid again at Christmas, only this was way better than opening gifts. It was a feeling of satisfaction.
“Well, Bam- Bam, welcome to Helsinki.” Ville says and drags you away from Linde’s grasp and you couldn’t help but feel a lil’ extra special because Ville has his arm around you.
You always were a spoiled brat.
In the midnight hour she cried " more, more, more"
With a rebel yell she cried " more, more, more"
In the midnight hour she cried " more, more, more"
lapsi: kid
kylla: yes
I am not sure if those are accurate, the free-translation website is iffy, so if someone knows kid and yes, please correct me.
If you're wondering about the title, it was the cover song by HIM that inspired me and held me hostage until I produced something half-assed for you wonderful and amazing people.
Lastly, I settled on 2nd pov because it wold have been ten times longer if I wrote in 1st or 3rd and considering my track record, I never finish long fics.