30 questions, Chapter 2

Jul 18, 2010 09:51

Title: 30 Questions (Chapter 2 of 8)
Author: xbrokendollzx
Summary It all began with a few rather personal questions. However, these questions provoke feelings in Ville and Bam that they already understood, but chose to ignore...that was then. This is now.
Rating: R to NC-17
Warnings: Angst, M/M, Language, Smex, Violence
Disclaimer: Don't know, Don't own, and never happened. We're crossing our fingers.
Author's Note: Early update for you, sweethearts. I'm very excited to be continuing this, as the reception it got was great. I appreciate the sweet and encouraging comments.

Ville switched off his computer, and awaited Bam's arrival. It wasn't that he had been purposely avoiding Bam, even though if one analyzed the situation that would be exactly what it turned out to be. All he wanted was to keep a good enough distance away, so that he didn't do anything he would regret for the remainder of his life. And the things that he wanted to do to Bam weren't exactly, 'Bam, forgive me for touching you in inappropriate ways' friendly.

Bam writhing under him was a scene that constantly played in his mind ever since he first layed eyes on the energetic, bright eyed skater. From the moment those mischief filled orbs burned into him with such adoration and admiration, all he wanted to do was grab him and show him the meaning of those very words.

However, three barriers stood in between him, and who he wanted, once again. The barriers usually changed according to the person. Bam's barriers were as complicated as any that he encountered, but that came with the fact that they were best friends....with years of sexual tension and awkward moments built up between them. The first barrier was that Bam could never be interested in him when it came to the terms that he wanted him on. Those terms certainly didn't include him fucking whores that he picked up at bars, and becoming vaguely homophobic when any male organism came even close to hitting on him, with no intentions of it being some homoerotic joke.

The second was that he always thought that Bam saw him as an idol, perhaps an older sibling. Someone to confide in. The term "lover" didn't fit in the category with the rest. He certainly wasn't the one that wrapped his arms around Bam in the very bed that was shared so many nights with multiple partners, all female. Ville wanted to be that person, the one that he kissed and whispered good morning, or rather good afternoon to. It sounded like a sickeningly sappy cliche, but Ville didn't care. He came to terms with that very part of himself long ago.

The third and most irritating was his very own insecurity. He was so sure that a lover's relationship would never happen between he and Bam, that he even stopped trying. But he couldn't stop the little gestures of affection he often did. The touching, hugs that were longer than they should've been, and even small pecks to the cheeks and lips that were usually laughed off, or followed by a crude joke before the awkwardness began to form. The insecurity, became almost a plague to him. The plague that destroyed past relationships he had been in.

He was pulled out of his spiraling muses when Bam came busting into his room in his overly energetic manner. It wasn't like he had been expecting an actual knock. Bam wasn't the type to be discreet about much, less less anything. If he was, then he wouldn't be himself. Ville would honestly have it no other way. He camly closed his book, and made landing space for his as Bam kicked the door shut and did a running jump, landing about an inch from his lap and settling down so that his head rested on his thigh.

"Yo Zilla."

"Yo yourself, Zam."


"Yes, Zam. Remember what I told you about calling me that?"

Bam rolled his eyes. "That it was insulting and sounded ridiculous."


"Dude, whatever," Bam waved his hand in a rather flamboyant, yet dismissive manner. "Don't get all thesaurus on me now."

"Perhaps you need a dictionary if you don't know what that word means."

"I just don't get your...polluted ass vocabulary, finnstein."

Ville chuckled at the newly acquired nickname. "Did finncess get old already?

"Nah, It's just what I feel like calling you for the time being."

"Of course. If it were up to you I wouldn't have a permanent name. I didn't even catch the disney reference in 'finnderella' I really don't see myself as a princess. Blue gowns don't really flatter me." Ville threaded his fingers through Bam's unruly curls, gently tugging out the slight tangles he found.

"You just don't believe you would look good in a dress."

"No, I'll just stick to my theory that you're insane, darling. Not half daft, but completely out of your mind."

Bam smirked up at him, eyes sparkling with amusement from the comfortable banter. "How long did it take you to figure out that one smart ass?"

"Approximately 2 minutes after I learned your name."

Bam raised an eyebrow and grabbed wrapped his arms around Ville's slender waist, and used the leverage to roll them over so that he straddled the other man

"It's on now Valo."

He pinned the squirming man down, and dug his fingers into his ribs, causing the undoubtedly distinctive gasp-giggle to spill from his lips as his cheeks began to tint with a soft pink, eyes watery as he went into hysterics.
"Bammiieee!" Ville squealed, thrashing around as he tried to get away from the relentlessness of Bam's agile fingers.

"Take it back."

"Fine! f-fine!"

"I won again." Bam said as a matter of factly, pulling off.

"Paskiainen," Ville gasped, taking out his inhaler and sucking down a shot of medicine. You won for once."

"Fuck you."

"Time, date and place."

Bam laughed and punched Ville in the shoulder lightly. "You wish. So, what do you want to do for today? We got the house all to ourselves. Or we could just go out."

Ville tucked his hands behind his head lazily. "I'm perfectly content with what I'm currently doing."

"...You wanna do nothing?"

"Smart boy. I knew you would catch on."

Bam groaned dramatically and rolled over, burying his face into Ville's sleeveless rolling stones shirt."

"Lazy fucker. That's so boring."

Ville shrugged, not impressed by the weak performance. "Boring suits me fine on a tuesday evening, when it's 97 degrees outside."

"Ice baby. That's why the fucking AC is cranked so high...but I understand that you don't want to burn your pretty skin."

"I can turn it down if you want."

"No, S'cool Willa. You're just used to that crazy ass cold climate...since you don't wanna do anything I got an idea."

Ville let his head fall back. "Ozzy help us all. Please tell me this doesn't involve moving, or cars, or any type of sex toy."


Ville tilted back up and looked at Bam incredulously. The awnser was too short...too simple. He narrowed his eyes cautiously, deliberating on whether he should continue to question him further.

"And just what is this idea?"

"Lets play 30 questions. Margera style."

"...That's it?"

"Yup but there's one catch. No question is off limits."

fic:series, author:x, rating:nc-17

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