Chapter Three: GIVEME

Jul 17, 2010 17:06

Title: Journal of Alters
Author: villesbaby
Pairing: Vam, Bam and Ville's alters
Rating: R
Summary: Ville has Dissociative identity disorder(aka DID) and to try and cure his disorder and educate others on it, he journals about them and what happens when they come out.
Disclaimer: Don't own a thing.
A/N: This one is for Satan_Sam. :)

Ville's POV is
Bam's POV is

Chapter Three: Giveme

Ok, so the date is July 28, 2010 and it is 6 in the evening. This is Bam’s journal entry on Giveme for Ville.

I’m not sure when he can out or what made him come out. All I know is he was there.


I woke up way too early in the morning to the sound of ripping and chewing. My first thought was Murphy getting into the trash and ripping the bag open. Not caring I rolled over and went to snuggle back up with Ville. But instead I snuggled up with thin air. It was then everything came together, shooting out of bed I looked to the foot of the bed, “GIVEME!!!!” I screamed seeing him chewing on my brand new favorite Adio shoes. Giveme flinched pulling the Adio from his mouth and pressing it to his chest protectively. “Giveme, gimme the shoes.” I said calmly holding my hand out as I inched forward towards him. He turned his body away still holding the shoe to his chest and snapped at my hand. Quickly I pulled it back my hand; I clenched my other hand a couple of times. “Giveme, sweetie,” I gave him my best sweetest smile. “Can daddy have his shoes back. He has to go to work.” I asked still inching forward. “No!” He hissed in a low creepy voice. “Giveme, give me the fucking shoe!” I yelled lunging at him. He moved quickly out of the way and I landed in a pile on the floor where he once sat.

Getting up I spotted Giveme in the door way of Ville and mine’s bedroom. Quickly I look at the clock on Ville’s side of the bed, 7.39am, it flashed in bright blue numbers. Shit, Ape and Phil are up and Dina is due in the house with the CEO of Element in 45 minutes. Oh god.

I turn back to Giveme; he’s still standing in the door way holding my shoes. Looking around desperately I spot a pair of old Airwalks that Dunn use to wear. Slowly I pick it up, “Look Giveme!” I called waving the shoe above my head. Airwalks have always been his fave to eat.

“You want the Airwalk?” I asked still waving it. He started following it. His head moving back and forth with it as I waved it around. “Do you, baby?” He nodded never taking his wide eyes off the shoe. “Yeah, you do.” I smiled, “But you have to drop Daddy’s adios.” The adios dropped from his hands and to the floor. “That’s a good Shoe-goblin, I mean boy.” I have to correct myself, he hate being call the Shoe-goblin. “Okay, come get it.” I said holding it out to him. He came slowly for it at first, but then he came quickly. Faster than him, I threw the shoe into the closet and if trained he dives for it. As he lands on top of the shoe in the closet I shut and lock the closet door.

When he had realized what I had done he started beating and pounding and kicking at the door. “JUST CHEW ON THE DAMN SHOE!!!” I yelled. Silence. I press my ear to the door and listen for chewing and gnawing. There was nothing. What is he doing? *BANG* I jump back from the door startled, tripping over my feet and almost hitting my head on the foot board of the bed. “God damn it, Giveme!” I yelled. “If I didn’t have to deal with Element today, I’d spank the hell out of you and hide all the shoes!” The beating and pounding started up again. “Good fucking thing Ville laid out clothing for me before we went to bed last night.” I mumbled to myself as I stripped out of the clothes I slept in and into the fresh set.

**Hour Later**

“Welcome to my house.” I smiled greeting Dina and the CEO of Element, Jeff Sasaki. “Thank you for having us.” Jeff smiled as I led them into the living room. “How was the drive?” I asked making small talk. “It was good.” Dina replied as she set up for the meeting. “So, Bam where’s Ville today?” She asked. Dina was fully aware of Ville’s alters, having met Harmony on one of her last visits. “Oh, he’s okay running errors.” I lied. “Oh, fun. While when you see him tell him I said hi.” She said sitting on the couch. “I will.” I smiled sitting as well.

The meeting was going pretty well and we were almost down with it. “Well, I’m happy to have you resign with us, Bam. You are a great skater.” Jeff said passing me the new contract with Element that he just signed and that I was about to sign, before we were interrupted. “Bam.” A voice whispered. I looked up and saw Raab standing a few feet from me. “Not now, Raab. I’m busy.” I told him and went back to the contract. “Bam!” Raab whispered louder. I sighed angrily, “Do you want to talk with him real quick. The contract can wait a few seconds.” Jeff smiled at me tightly. “Yeah.” I replied getting up and grabbing Raab by the shirt.

I dragged him away into the pirate bar. “What the fuck is it, Raab?” I asked mad. “I didn’t know, dude. You didn’t tell me.” He blurted out. “Didn’t tell you what?” I snapped. “I went into your room to get a porno out of…” He was cut off by Dina screaming. My eyes widened, “Ohmygod!” I run upstairs just in time to see Giveme jump from the couch over the coffee table and to the over couch holding one of Dina’s shoes. Dina sat on the first couch holding her hand and this time Jeff yelled. As I turned to look at him, Giveme had wiped out and was peeing on him. “Giveme, NO!!!!” I yelled rushing forward and pulling Giveme away, him still peeing everywhere. “Raab, take Giveme back upstairs and give him back one of the Airwalks.” I ordered pushing Giveme in Raab’s direction, “I don’t wanna…” “DO IT!!” I yelled trying to help Jeff clean Giveme’s pee off his pants.

“I’m so sorry.” I apologized over and over. “Bam, what the hell was that?” Dina yelled pulling off her other shoe to even her height, “Um,” I looked around the floor and spotted her other shoe and gave it to her, “That was, uh, that was Giveme.” I told her. “Giveme?” Jeff repeated unbelieving. “Yes, Giveme.” I nodded. “Ville is my husband as you know,” “I do.” Jeff nodded, clearly mad. “What you don’t know about Ville is that he has a disorder called Dissociative identity disorder, also known as multiple personalities. He has five of them and Giveme is one of them. He’s a 5 year old shoe eating, biting and peeing goblin.” I explained. “And what are the other 4?” Jeff asked his arms crossed over his chest. I gulped, “Harmony is a 1920’s house wife. Valo is a free loving hippie stuck in the 70’s. Billy is an ex Finnish special ops member and Will is a wild horny teenager.” I told him. Jeff popped his lips and squared his jaw. “Okay. I believe you. So please sign the contract so we can leave before, Giveme, comes back.” He said. I quickly signed the contracted, shook their hands and they left.

Rubbing my face after letting Dina and Jeff out, I marched upstairs to the master bedroom. Bursting through the door I pointed to Giveme who was sitting on the bed gnawing on an Airwalk, “I want Ville and I want him now, Giveme.” I demanded. Giveme just stared me, still gnawing on the shoe, like I never said anything. “Give him to me!!” I yelled. Giveme threw the drool soaked shoe at me, hitting me in the chest and making a wet drooly mark on my shirt. That was it, I was boiled over. I had enough of Giveme. Grabbing Giveme quickly by the arm and twisting his arm behind his back, so he couldn’t bit me. I started spanking him.

Giveme yelled and jerked, but was unsuccessful in an escape. In the moment of the fight, Giveme froze. I stopped thinking Ville was coming back, but it wasn’t Ville…..

rating:r, fic:series, author:l, genre:au

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