
Apr 06, 2010 00:22

Title: Brownies
Author:  silver_sixpence 
Rating: PG-13
Parings: Vam
Disclaimer: Fiction. Not real.
Summary: Part of the Vam Food Challenge
Author:  I love brownies, and after someone gave me a new recipe I had to write this. And thanks calvaryscars for helping me when I was stuck in a rut. ;)

25. Brownies


Bam lashed his gaze 180° at the sound of ceramic crashing against the wall. Ville was huddled on the ground, his spine contorted into a balled fetal position as if somehow he could manage to hide from himself. Clouds of suds dripped down his forearms, clashing horribly with cherry blush of his skin scarred by the scalding water. For a moment Bam wondered sensibly why he didn’t wear rubber gloves. The river of blood trickling from Ville’s wrist made the scenario look like a badly planned suicide.

Bam’s eyes took in the calamity calmly. Too calmly for Ville’s liking, he assumed, because the Finn managed to pry his hands way from his face long enough for hard Bloodstone eyes to glare at him.

“Goddamnit, this day is the fucking worst!” he hiccupped angrily, tears streaking his cheeks. Bam reached into his back pocket, fished out a cig with his lips and commenced lighting it.

“You had a bad day. So what? Everyone does sometimes,” he exhaled on a cloud of smoke, bending down to grasp Ville under one armpit and haul him upright. A tinny ding cut through the brewing tension and Bam grabbed a mitt, walking towards the oven. He turned around, releasing the fresh tray of brownies from his hold, hissing as he singed his thumb. The center of the tray was still gooey and thick but after a quick test with a finger it was done enough. Bam leaned over and grabbed a dish that Ville just washed and plated the small confection. He could almost feel Ville’s gaze boil his skin as he watched him suck the remaining chocolate off his fingers.

Tired of his apparent indifference, the Finn started screaming at the top of his lungs right in his face. Bam knew that Ville was so lost in the wave of anger he wasn’t aware what he was talking about, but he allowed him to scream like a harpy until his voice died until there was nothing left but pitiful croaks. Finally the singer whimpered dejectedly, embarrassed at his own rage. Bam picked him up by the waist and set him on the soapy counter right next to the sink, ignoring his boyfriend’s protest that his jeans were getting soaked.

“Ville---Ville.” His love continued babbling mindlessly, not hearing him at all, so Bam was forced to grab the supple flesh under his jaw.

Ville’s lips were still going, ready to lash out more words to cut him down before a hard kiss was planted on his mouth. Bam felt him stiffen at the unexpected intimacy as he reached around the back of his neck to twist soft curls in his fingers. As enslaved to reflex, Ville fought it. Bam’s kiss was met tooth and nail, sharp fingernails piercing through the thin fabric of his shirt and digging into his back. He hissed when Ville bit on his tongue savagely and his own blood started to fill his mouth but did nothing to stop him. Bam caressed Ville’s face and angled his head to sink further into the kiss, one hand reaching down to take hold of his firm rump. The Finn purred, a soothing vibration that rumbled in his chest despite attempting to stick to his violent tempo, and gave in with a broken sigh.

In between their timid dance of desire Ville felt something soft scratch the corner of his lips, begging them to part. He complied and gasped as a finger forced its way in and left just as quickly, leaving a small gift. Bam continued to kiss him and Ville immediately recognized the flavor. He relished in the taste, so wet and smooth he nearly drowned in it. Warm chocolate filled the back of his throat, wrapping around his teeth and invading his senses. The odd combination of blood and chocolate complemented each other as they melted on his tongue, the perfect melody of flavors sending his nerves into a disordered frenzy. He shifted his hips on the base of his spine in search of something more as he swallowed the last of the brownie and his baking savior licked away all traces of sorrow, only pulling away because he was forced to breathe. Ville slowly unwrapped his eyes, a serene expression on his face. The skater wiped away the last of the chocolate smudged across his love’s pink pillows, and he was pleased when he heard Ville’s sharp intake when he sucked the sweet remains off his fingers slower than necessary. Bam’s voice was still leveled as if the heavy moment between them never passed.

“Shut up. Talking about it will just make you more upset. Shut up, take a bath, and get your ass to bed. Now.”

There was a moment where green eyes stared fiercely at him, an infernal fire blazing with suppressed wrath. But just as quickly as it came, the emotion evaporated. Ville gave a tired smile and nodded, rubbing the back of his neck as he hopped off the counter. Bam took the chance to clean up the dried blood flaking the singer’s arm with a sponge, ignoring his complaints of pain. When Bam swatted his ass as his love made his way out of the kitchen he giggled.

fic:one-shot, genre:angst, rating:pg-13, genre:drabble, author:s

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