In The Arms of Rain

Apr 05, 2010 20:22

Title: In The Arms of Rain
Author: Villesbaby.
Pairing: Ville/Bam
Summary: Rain can bring anyone back together.
Disclaimer: Don't own either Ville or Bam.
Warnings: saddnes, drinking and language
Author's Notes: I love the song "In The Arms of Rain"

Bam sat in Castle Bam sulking. He had been sulking for weeks. Every since Ville randomly called him one day and said that he wanted to break up. Hearing those words come from the man he loved more than skating, more than his very own life, destroyed him. For two weeks after the incident Bam cried non-stop until he ran out of tears to cry. So, he turned to sulking and long drawn out sighs that drove everyone insane to the point they never came around anymore, not even Ape! But Bam did care, he liked that the house was empty minus him, it fit how he inside. Empty, alone, damaged, used and broken.

For the first time in weeks the door bell rung. Sighing hard, Bam got up and opened the door. “What do you want, Novak?” He groaned at the ex-junkie. Novak smiled hopefully and held up a case of beer. Sighing again Bam moved aside letting Novak in. “Fuck, man this place is a dump.” Novak commented looking around the dirty clothes, used tissues, empty bottles and cans, broken board decks, from when he got pissed over Ville break off their 8 year relationship, ripped up photos and broken glass. Bam looked around at the mess with sad, shattered, tired eyes and shrugged. “Fits how I feel.” Was all he said taking a beer from the case and plopping down on the couch. Novak moved a couple things off the ripped up lazy boy and sat down facing his distraught friend. “Come on, life partner cheer up.” He tried to say before a picture frame hit him in the face, busting his nose open. “Hey! Not fucking cool.” Novak growled wiping the blood on his shirt. “I’m not your life partner, ok!” Bam yelled standing. “I’m Ville’s life partner!” Bam stomped out of the living room throwing his beer against the wall as he disappeared down into the pirate bar.

Bam fell down to his knees in front of the stove island and sobbed. Novak came up behind Bam and put a comforting hand on his back. “It’s ok, Bam. Everything will get better.” He hoped to ensure his best friend. “Maybe after a little while Ville will come to his senses and realize that breaking up with you was the worst mistake of his life.” Bam wiped his face and looked at Novak, “Maybe you’re right.” He said standing. The two friends hugged. “Good, now let’s go finish that case.” Novak smiled and lead Bam back to the living room.

The two friends sat in the living room talking about good old times, hardly touching the alcohol in front of them. Hours passed and the sky outside turned black, rain poured like a woman scorned. Not long after it begun to rain the door bell rung again. “Come in!” Bam yelled, too lazy to get up. The door opened and closed bringing a cold breeze. “Who is it?” Novak called. A shadow appeared before the person, a person that made everything in Bam stop on a dime.

In the doorway of the hall coming from the front door stood a soaking wet, paler than usual, miserable looking…….Ville Valo. “What the fuck are you doing here?” Novak growled. Ville never let his eyes leave Bam. “I’m here in a desperate plea to get the one true love I have ever had in my life that I let go stupidly.” Ville replied. Novak stood, Bam was still in shock, and got in Ville’s face. “You have no fucking right to be here, you piece of shit!!” Novak screamed. “Now, get the fuck out! He doesn’t want you. He’s over you!!” Novak continued to scream as he shoved Ville out of the house and slammed the door in his face. Novak came back into the living room fixing his coat. “What a fucker.” He hissed. He looked at Bam who was still frozen. “Bam...Earth to Bam. Are you there?” Novak called waving his arms in front of the skater’s face. Bam shook his head clear, “Shit man, had me worried.” Novak said.

Suddenly, Bam burst up from the couch and ran outside into the pouring rain. “Ville!! Ville!!” He screamed running down the snake run driveway. He caught up to Ville half way to the gate. Ville stood in the driveway as Bam ran up too him. They stood in front of each other for a few long moments. “Why?” Bam finally managed. “Why did you break up with me? What did I do? Did I do….” Ville waved him to silence. “You did nothing wrong, Bam. It was me, it was all me.” Ville said. “I was afraid that I’ve been holding you back all these years from being on the road so much and not being there properly for you.” He explained. It was Bam’s turn to wave Ville to silence. “You never held me back. I love you when you’re here and when you’re gone, all the same.” Bam said taking hold of Ville’s hand. “I love you, Ville and I never want to be without you.” Ville swallowed and embraced Bam fully in his arms. Even as the rain fell on them and around them they held each other there loving every moment of it.
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