(no subject)

Oct 19, 2008 21:14

Title: Patient Forgiveness
Author: myforgottenpain
Rating: R for content
Pairing: Vam all the way!
Summary: When Bam and Ville finally are given a chance to be together, will they be able to make the life they always wanted?
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything connected to HIM, Ville Valo, or Bam Margera. Nor do I imply that in reality they are anything but friends. I, however, could not pass up a great idea for a fan fiction!
Warnings: Angsty in the beginning, but it will get better! I swear!
Authors Notes: I'm still pulling this story together, so hopefully it will work well with me posting it before its done. I've only rewritten this story like... eight times...

Dedicated to Bo: He was a good old dog... he will be greatly missed by human and animal alike.



“Hey Ape.”

April looked up when she heard her name, smiling when she saw her son coming towards her. “Hello boys.” She said as she moved from behind the counter to greet her son, grand sons, and the man she considered her son-in-law; even if the state wouldn’t.

“No…stay there, I want to show you something.” Bam said as he sat down with Esa in his lap.

“Are those real shoes?” April asked when she noticed the little boy’s feet. She distinctively remembered telling Bam that they didn’t need shoes until they could walk outside.

“Yup… no less than Van’s.” Bam said as he unzipped the little boy’s jacket. Esa was wearing black and white checkered, slip on Van’s, dark blue jeans with fading at the knees, and a bright red Billabong t-shirt.

“Quite the skater outfit you have there Bam.” April teased; waving at Esa who smiled and laughed around the binky that was still lodged in his mouth.

“Only the best for my little boy.” Bam said, looking to Ville who was sitting next to him. Niklas was sitting in his lap and once his jacket was removed April could see he was wearing a yellow Billabong t-shirt, lighter blue jean pants, and on his feet were black Van’s with Velcro straps and flames shooting back from the toes.

“Two little skaters….” April said with a bright smile, eager to hug her grandchildren who were just weeks away from celebrating not only their first birthday, but their first Christmas too. “So what did you want to show me?”

“This.” Bam let Esa slid to the floor; the little boy held on to Bam’s leg but was standing pretty much on his own. Bam stood up and took his son’s other hand, walking him over to his mother. A few feet away from April (who was crouching now), Bam let go of his hand. Right after that, Esa let go of Bam’s leg so he could hold his arms out for April.

April’s jaw dropped as she reached out for the little boy, watching in amazement as he took four steps independently over to her. She pulled him close and hugged him, kissing his cheek as she felt tears fill her eyes. “He walked!” She started to stand but was stopped by Ville.

Ville was walking over with Niklas much like Bam had. He too let go of Niklas’ hand, who let go of him and walked independently over to April and his brother.

“You’re walking too!” April cried as she hugged and kissed Niklas, who laughed happily. Both boys immediately plopped down to their hands and knees to crawl around on the floor.

“They haven’t completely mastered it… but they are definitely getting quite good at it.” Bam said as he hugged his mother.

“Niklas actually started walking before Esa did…. But we decided to wait until they both did before we said anything to you.” Ville said as he got a hug from April too.

“I can’t believe this…” April said as she quickly wiped her tears away. “They are getting so big!”

“Who are you telling?” Bam asked as he watched Esa pull himself up on a chair. The little boy turned and looked at the table, reaching out to grab the table cloth in an attempt to pull on it. Bam quickly ran over and scooped his son up, holding him so he was belly down.

Esa immediately screamed and kicked in mild protest at being picked up, gurgling and babbling mostly nonsense except for the random string of “dad dad dad dad…” as he indicated to the table he wanted to explore.

“Dad dad dad dad to you too.” Bam said as he held his son upside down, tickling his belly which made Esa squeal with laughter. He only did this for a moment or two before turning Esa so he was up right again.

As soon as Esa was up right again, he immediately started leaning away from his father, fussing as he reached towards the floor, wanting to make use of his stronger ability to walk.

Reluctantly, Bam put Esa on the floor, keeping a close eye on his son as he crawled right back to the chair he had been leaning against.

“He has quite the personality.” April chuckled as she watched her son proudly.

Bam laughed, “You have no idea. They both do actually.”

Ville nodded in agreement, watching over Niklas who was sitting on the floor, playing with one of the toys they had brought along for the boys. “They make quite the pair… it will be interesting to see how they change as they get older.”

“Here you go Esa.” April said as she picked up one of the cars to bring to Esa. The little boy looked at it for a moment, reaching out to touch it before batting his hand at it, shaking his head. “What’s wrong?” April asked softly.

“Wrong toy.” Ville stated as he picked up two of the balls and brought them over to Esa. The little boy beamed as he reached out with both hands to take the balls. Still not completely steady on his legs, he fell down on his bottom. Not to be deterred from his fun and games, he quickly got himself back up, now with two balls in his hands.

“I should have remembered that.” April said as she went back to the counter to attend to some guests.

“It’s alright Ape… it’s not your fault he’s so selective of his toys.” Bam said as he watched Ville and Niklas playing.

“Sounds like someone else I know.” April teased back.

“Who me?” Bam asked as he indicated to himself.

“Maybe…” April said, starting to add more when a loud cry of happiness broke through, followed by banging noises.

They all, including Niklas, turned to look where the noise was coming from. Esa was smacking both balls against the chair, crying happily as he did so.

“That’s enough of that…” Bam said as he hurried over to the little boy, grabbing him gently under his arm pits, he picked Esa up and carried him away from the chair.

Esa immediately started crying harder, but this time in anger at being taken away from his source of amusement. He threw the balls at the floor, kicking his legs angrily.

Something clicked in Ville’s head as soon as Esa started to raise his hands to throw the balls. He reached out and scooped Niklas up, moving the baby off the floor just as the ball smacked it and came towards him. If he hadn’t moved when he did, the ball would have smacked Niklas right in the head. He held the little boy close and kissed his head.

“Is he alright?” April asked as she turned a worried gaze to Ville and Niklas.

“He’s fine…” Ville said as Niklas laid his head on his chest, sucking his thumb contently.

“Thank God you moved him when you did…. That was amazing.” April said.

“I didn’t even think about it. It was like my body moved without me.” Ville explained.

“Well thank god you did.” Bam said as he tossed Esa into the air a few times, quickly turning his frown into a wide smile. “Maybe we should take these two home?”

“Alright… it was wonderful seeing you… thank you for sharing that with me.” April said as she kissed Bam on the cheek. “You be nice.” She told Esa, tickling his side. “You be a good boy…”

Esa sort of head butted Bam’s chest, a wide smile on his face that April swore was impish… as if he was trying to say, Ha! Me be nice! Not with these genes lady! It made April laugh. “He is so much like you.” She told Bam, before she gathered the boy’s toys up.

“I know…it’s scary…” Bam said as he got Esa’s jacket on.

“And you just keep being the sweet little boy you are.” She told Niklas, kissing his after taking him so Ville could get his own jacket on. “Has he said anything yet?”

“No… not yet.” Ville said as he took Niklas back. “We talked to the doctor and there is nothing physically wrong with him. He just hasn’t talked yet.”

“You need to start talking Mr. I want to hear my grandbabies!” April said as she tickled Niklas. He giggled happily as he laid his head on Ville’s shoulder. “You are such a cuddly baby.”

Ville smiled, resting his cheek against his son’s head, rubbing his back. “I know…I might as well enjoy it while I can.”

“Especially since Mr. Independent over here barely lets us carry him, let alone cuddle him.” Bam said as he followed Esa, who was crawling towards the door.

April chuckled, “Now that really reminds me of someone else.”

“I’m sure she is really nice.”

Ryan looked up from his paper work to Ville. “Who?”

“Of course I want to meet her. Maybe she would like to come with you when you come to visit?” Ville said as he looked in the fridge.

“When who comes to visit?” Ryan asked.

“Well you can’t really expect much from them.”


Ville turned and looked to Ryan, and it was now that he could see a hands free device in Ville’s ear, the cord connected to a cell phone on the singer’s belt. “What?”

Ryan chuckled, “Nevermind.”

“Are you sure? No…I’m still here…” Ville said which made Ryan laugh harder.

“Yeah, I’m sure.”

“Alright… of course I’m listening to you. I was asking Ryan something.” Ville turned his gaze to Ryan as he poured himself a glass of juice. “Jesse said hello.”

“Hello Jesse Valo… how is life as a world famous Thai boxer?” Ryan said with a smile.

Ville chuckled, “He said he isn’t one yet, but he’s working hard. Can you deliver a message for him?”

“Of course.”

“He wanted to thank Katri. One of the women she helped in Thailand came all the way to Finland to look for her, to thank her for the help she gave her family. Evidently she found Jesse instead and they have formed quite the friendship.”

“Awww that’s wonderful for Jesse. What’s the name of the future Mrs. Valo?”

Ville laughed as he relayed the message. “He said its Mali, she has a little brother named Keit.”

Ryan nodded, “I’ll let her know.”

“Thank you.” Ville said as he waved to Ryan before heading back down to Bam’s office. “No… of course it wouldn’t be a problem for you to stay with us.” He sighed as he made his way over to the computer, soon sitting down at it. There he could see the web cam video footage of his brother on the other side of the world. “You should really bring her… if anything she could say thank you to Katri in person.”

“So Katri is staying with you?” Jesse asked into his own cell phone.

“She is… she applied to go to Penn State here in Pennsylvania. It’s amazing how well she is doing… her and Ryan are so close. They are so good for one another.”

Jesse nodded thoughtfully, “I bet. I’m so glad she never gave in to papa’s wishes and went back out with that Timo bastard.”

“Me too.”

“I can’t wait to meet Ryan… and see Katri and everyone.” Jesse looked away from the computer screen, smiling at someone off the camera range. “Äiti* Alli is home… do you want to talk to her?”

“Of course.” Ville said smiling happily.

Jesse got up and handed his hands free device and cell phone to Mrs. Rintala who was soon sitting in front of the computer screen. “Hello kallisarvoinen*.” She said as gentle as her smile.

“Hello äiti Alli…” Ville said back, switching to Finnish since while his brother enjoyed practicing it, Mrs. Rintala was content with her rudimentary knowledge of it and preferred using her native language.

Mrs. Alli Rintala was still as beautiful as Ville remembered her being. She was slightly shorter than him self, probably some where between Bam and Katri’s height. She had long hair that had once been strawberry blond, but was now streaked with gray. Her brown eyes were still as bright and loving as ever, her face touched gently by time.

She had been a middle aged woman when the Valo children had come into her life, watching over them through the challenges life had thrown at them. She loved Ville, Katri, and Jesse like her own children and was glad to see that they had found happiness in their lives.

“I see Jesse finally convinced you to move in with him.” Ville teased, even though he knew she didn’t have much of a choice. With her husband gone she was having trouble making ends met.

“Only for a little bit… until I get my bearings.” She responded back. “Don’t worry about me… your brother has done too much for me already.”

“You were there when we needed you the most. We would have learned nothing from you if we hadn’t returned the gesture.” Ville stated simply.

“You have your own family to worry about now Ville. How are the boys doing?”

“They are doing really well…. Just started walking. Esa says dada, papa, and binky now.”

Mrs. Rintala smiled happily, “That’s wonderful… how about Niklas?”

“He still isn’t talking, but we’re trying to be patient instead of worrying too much about it. He does make noises and different ranges of sounds; he just hasn’t anything we could exactly label as a word.”

“I wouldn’t worry too much about it. You and Katri were very quite babies.”

“Will you be coming with Jesse and hopefully Mali to visit us?”

“I would like that a lot. It will be nice to actually meet Bam, your children, and everyone else who has taken such good care of you.”

“Alright, just let us know when you guys are planning on coming over so we can come and get you.”

“I will…”

“Alright, here we go.” Bam said as they stepped into the salon. He bounced Esa as he walked over to the check in area.

“Hello Niklas and Esa…. Are you ready for your first haircuts?” The fresh faced young woman asked, the name on her shirt identified her Christy.

“As ready as we can be.” Ville answered.

“Follow me.” Christy said as she led them to two chairs specially made for children. Bam and Ville had brought the boys in a few times before this, in hopes of getting them comfortable with the new environment.

“Who is going first?” She asked as she stopped next to a red race car shaped seat.

“Are you really sure about this?” Ville asked.

“Yes… I want them to look nice for their birthday, slash Christmas, slash meeting Mrs Rintala and your family.” Bam said.

Ville frowned with a bit of sadness. “Must we cut off their curls?”

Bam chuckled, “It will come back.”

“I hope so.” Ville mumbled as he hugged Niklas.

“You are so cute… here… Esa will go first.” Bam said as he pulled the little boy’s jacket off, helping him into the car seat.

“Anything in particular you want done?” Christy asked.

“Just trip it back a little, so it’s not so long and shaggy.” Bam answered, crouching down so he could make funny faces at Esa.

“I can’t watch.” Ville said as he looked away.

“What kind of example are you setting for our children?” Bam asked.

“I’m sorry Bam… I just can’t watch it.”

“Is it because you don’t want them to be old enough to need a hair cut?” Bam asked softly.

“A little.” Ville mumbled.

“Then what is it?” Bam asked as he switched to Finnish.

“I just don’t want to see their hair cut alright? It’s beautiful… I can’t bear it any more than I could if you got your hair cut.” Ville answered in Finnish.

Bam smiled playfully at the other man, even though the singer wasn’t looking at him. “So that means I can’t shave my head while I’m here?”

Ville’s head whipped around to look at Bam, who immediately felt bad since the color had drained from the older man’s face. “I swear to God Brandon Cole Margera… so help me….”

“Hey, hey, hey…” Bam got up and went over to Ville. “It was just a joke.” He gave Ville a hug, rubbing his back for a moment.

“That wasn’t funny Bam.”

“I’m sorry Willa… but… how come you can change your hair style, but I can’t?”

Ville looked at Niklas for a moment. “That’s not even the same thing Bam.”

“How come?”

“Because your hair is thick and rich and beautiful…. Where as my hair is… blah.” Ville responded.

“Blah? Blah? Are you kidding me? I love your hair. It’s so beautiful…” Bam said touching it. “I never told you this… but I cried the day you cut your hair off.”

“You did?” Ville said with general surprise.

“Like a baby with a wet diaper… I was heart broken. I love your hair and even though you are sexy no matter the length of your locks… I couldn’t help but feel sad when I thought there would be less to touch.” Bam confessed.

Ville smiled bashfully, his cheeks darkening as he looked to Niklas, “Well…. I guess if you can survive what I did to my hair, then I can survive the boys getting their hair cut.”

Bam smiled, “I’m so proud of you.” He kissed Ville’s cheek quickly and turned his attention to Esa. “Alright little man… let’s do this. Oh and before I forget…” Bam pulled out two sandwich bags, one marked Esa and the other Niklas.

“What are those for?” Ville asked.

“To keep clippings from their first hair cut.” Bam said, distracting Esa while Christy started trimming his hair.


“For memories…” Bam started to ask if his parent’s had and then remembered who they were talking about. “its tradition… you put it in their baby books.”

“Ahhh… alright.”

Esa was really good about sitting through his hair cut; in fact, it barely bothered him at all. Niklas however, wanted nothing to do with it and immediately started crying. This only made Ville feel worse; causing him to started crying as well, while sitting in the adult chair holding Niklas so he could get his hair cut. It also made him question Bam’s sanity even more, since he was busy running around collecting the hair trimmings to keep in the second plastic bag.

When it was all over, Niklas, Esa, and Ville got suckers for being good troopers.

Later that night, Bam carefully wrapped ribbon around some of their hair to keep in their baby book, to give to April, and some for Ville to keep.




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