(no subject)

Oct 19, 2008 00:36

Title: Patient Forgiveness
Author: myforgottenpain
Rating: R for content
Pairing: Vam all the way!
Summary: When Bam and Ville finally are given a chance to be together, will they be able to make the life they always wanted?
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything connected to HIM, Ville Valo, or Bam Margera. Nor do I imply that in reality they are anything but friends. I, however, could not pass up a great idea for a fan fiction!
Warnings: Angsty in the beginning, but it will get better! I swear!
Authors Notes: I'm still pulling this story together, so hopefully it will work well with me posting it before its done. I've only rewritten this story like... eight times...

Dedicated to Slasher48: Since I promised her more...

“Ready to go?” Ryan asked through the door to his bedroom.

“I’ll be downstairs in just a minute.” Katri called back, and unlike the stereotypical image of a girl who says “five more minutes” and really needs twenty, Katri meant when she said she only needed another minute.

Ryan went downstairs, double checking to make sure he had cash and credit cards and his keys and such things.

“Alright Mr. Dunn… do I have to talk to you about being a gentleman?” Bam asked as he walked over wearing nothing but a pair of gray sweat pants, Esa propped on his hip.

Ryan chuckled, “I do believe I gave you that talk, remember?”

“Oh that’s right…” Bam chuckled as well, adjusting the way he was holding Esa. “So what do you two have planned?”

“Ice cream, lunch, movies, theme park, shopping, sight seeing… in no particular order or limited time period.”

“Soo… you really don’t know?” Bam asked as Katri came down the stairs.

“Don’t know what?” Katri asked, kissing Bam and Esa on the cheek before kissing Ryan in a much more… sensuous manner.

“Where we are going today.” Ryan answered, wrapping his arms around her loosely.

“Oh… there is no need to plan things like that. Life is short and sometimes you just have to go on a little adventure.” Katri said with a bright smile.

“Well as long as this little adventure doesn’t require passports I think I can handle it.” Bam teased.

Katri laughed, “Not on the first date.” She winked at Bam and then turned her attention to Ryan, kissing him gently, “I’ll be in the car waiting for you.” She said softly, grabbing her purse before she went outside.

Ryan sighed as he watched her leave the house, “Did that really just happen? I feel like I’m going to wake up at any second.”

Bam chuckled, “Trust me… sometimes I’m still shocked to find Ville lying there next to me.

“It doesn’t surprise me at all… you two were meant to be together.” Ryan said softly, pulling Bam in for a hug.

Bam returned it, “And the same could be said for you and Katri.” He looked to Esa who laughed happily at him, “And someday…” Bam said in an exaggerated tone that he used to talk to the boys, “There will be even more Valo’s running around… only they will have Dunn as a last name.”

Dunn smiled happily, “that’s a wonderful thought… even if I try not to think too far ahead, just enjoy the time we have together.”

“Well you’ll enjoy more time together if you actually leave the house.” Ville teased as he walked over with Niklas.

Ryan chuckled, “Alright I’m going… you two behave… if you start doing it all over the house at least make sure you clean up after yourself.”

“Who said anything about doing anyone?” Bam asked with fake shock.

Ryan narrowed his eyes playfully at his friend as he opened the door to leave. “The fact that you’ve been quite…. Active in that department since you came back from your little date.”

Bam grinned, looking Ville over for a moment, “I told you the freedom would go to our head.”

Ryan was surprised to find Katri sitting in the driver’s seat, playing with the radio. He leaned towards the window, tapping it with his knuckles, smiling when she looked at him.

“Can I drive? I have my international license.”

Ryan chuckled, “Well sure… I don’t see why not then.” He moved around the car and to the front passenger seat and slid in. “So I take it you like to drive?”

“Love it… it makes traveling so much easier.” Katri said as she pulled the car gently out of the driveway.

“Is there anything else I should know about you?”

Katri giggled, “Well I applied to get a Green Card so I could work here.”

“You don’t have to work Katri. I have more then enough money for you, me, and my whole family to live comfortably on.”

“I appreciate the gesture but I can’t let you do that for me.” Katri said as they drove down the road. “I have to make my own money, even just a little… I don’t want to be a leech.”

“You would never be a leech to me.”

“I know… but I wouldn’t feel right taking your money and not doing something with my life.” Katri said.

“Just another reason to love you.” Ryan leaned in and kissed her gently on the cheek. “Have you thought about going to college?”

Katri nodded, “Actually I did think about it. I’m not sure how I could afford to go… but I would like too.”

“I’m sure we could think of something.”

“Ryan I couldn’t ask you to pay for that. No… I need to get a job so I can go to school, then I can be an equal partner…”

“On a slightly different topics… can I ask you something?” Ryan asked carefully.

“Sure.” Katri said easily, shrugging her shoulder slightly as she nodded, not thinking much about it.

“Well… I was wondering…. Where are all your things? You came back with a duffle bag and your purse. I figured you were waiting to see if everything was alright to come back and it is… so I was wondering what happened?” Ryan asked as carefully as he could.

Katri frowned a little, sadness showing her eyes. “Umm… I… well… that’s all I have.”

Ryan blinked, “What do you mean? You left with a little more than that? Even if you didn’t keep your maternity things, you had a lot more clothes and surely you had more personal possessions…”

Katri was silent for a moment, chewing on her bottom lip. “It’s gone…” She whispered.

“Gone? Just gone?” Ryan asked, unnerved that everything she had, which wasn’t a lot to begin with since she had always moved around a lot, but it was all gone.

Katri nodded, her cheeks flushed since she was getting a little upset because she was worried that Ryan would get mad at her.

Ryan asked her to pull over, so they could talk without ending up in a car accident. He undid his belt buckle and turned and faced her. “Do you want to tell me what happened?”

Katri was still buckled in, her hands on the steering wheel which she was looking at. “It’s just gone alright? I got out what I could and that’s what I brought here.”

“Did someone hurt you? Was it Luka?”

“No!” Katri turned and looked to Ryan, “He would never hurt me like this.” She looked back to the steering wheel, touching her own hair.

Ryan frowned a little, looking down as well, “Does it have something to do with your new hair cut?”

Her hand fell away from her hair, her eyes closing for a moment. “He won’t bother me again… he’s gone…”


Katri wiped away her tears, trembling a little, “My…. Ex boyfriend…. I dated him for a month before I was with Luka… before I left Finland the first time.”

“A month… years ago and he’s acting like this?” Ryan asked in shock, in seemed crazy and yet hadn’t he fallen head over heels in love with her without even dating her?

Katri nodded, “He’s a close friend of my father. They still spend a lot of time together… the few times I’ve talked with my father since I was… thirteen or fifteen years old… was fights about him wanting me to stay with him… despite how he mistreated me.”

“That’s horrible…” Ryan whispered as he reached out to touch her cheek which was moist from tears.

“The core of my problems with my father runs much deeper than even this… but that man is one of its many roots. He is the son my father always wanted and he sees him as someone I should be honored to be with. Not because he treats me well, not because he has a good job, not because he is a decent human being. But because he can almost out drink my father, he meets my father’s standards of what makes an attractive man… oh and most importantly he’s Finnish.”

Sounds like a younger Kari. Ryan thought bitterly to himself. “You deserve someone so much better than that.”

Katri smiled at Ryan a little, “Hence why I am here with you. Some who actually makes me happy… that I’m really attracted too.” She said softly, leaning her head against his.

Ryan pulled her as close as he could, even more so when she finally unbuckled herself. “It’ll be better now…I’ll never let him hurt you like that again.”

“Bammie…” Ville said softly as he leaned against the crib Bam was putting Esa in. He had already put Niklas down in his own crib; both boys were well on their way to nappy time.

“Yes Willa…” Bam said as he made sure Niklas was comfortable.

“I have a present for you.” Ville teased, grinning at the younger man as he leaned in to kiss along Bam’s shoulder and arm.

“What kind of surprise?” Bam asked carefully when he noticed the way Ville was grinning at him.

“You will have to come to our room to find out about.” Ville whispered to Bam in Finnish, slipping something into his partner’s pocket, before capturing his mouth in a sensual kiss, sucking on Bam’s bottom lip before tugging on it. He pulled away from his partner and walked away from the skater, enticing him to follow with the well placed swing of his hips.

It made blood immediately rush down to Bam’s nether regions. With a quick final peek at the boys, Bam hurried from the room to find out what Ville had in his devilish mind. As he made his way down the hall, he pulled out the mystery object from his pocket. Inside a little bag was something that made him come to a screeching halt. The words Cock Ring jumped off the bag and invaded his mind.

“What is this?” Bam asked after he walked into their bedroom, holding the black ring up for Ville to see.

“I would think you of all people would know what that is…” Ville stated simply, grinning from his place at the end of the bed.

“You a bad, dirty, man for bringing things like this into a house with small children.” Bam teased since he had a deep, deep, love for them.

Ville grinned and pulled Bam close. Shoving Bam’s shirt up, he leaned in and sucked on Bam’s navel. “I know I just… can’t help but be bad… you should punish me for being bad.”

Bam shivered, running his fingers through Ville’s hair as he grinned down at him. “Punish you?”

He nodded as he slid back onto the bed more. “Punish me Bam… you know you want too… come on Bam… punish me….” Ville taunted the younger man.

Bam quickly added no one else home plus babies that took longer naps, divided it by a brand new cock ring, and finally squared it by a very randy Ville and equaled it out too a must have opportunity. “You have been awful bad lately…”

“Very bad.” Ville groaned back, his hand sliding down the front of his pants.

The corner of his mouth turned up in a grin as Bam advanced on the older man. “I think that’s the first step of your punishment.”

“And that would be?” Ville asked.

Instead of answering right away, Bam got into the nightstand and pulled out a long, slender, black scarf. “Well…for starters you can move your hand away from my cock.”

A shiver raced through Ville’s body when heard the aggressive, possessive, tone in the other man’s voice. Slowly he removed his hand from his pants, on the edge of anticipation. “And you say I’m a bad boy.”

Bam grinned, “I’ve always been bad… I was born bad….”

“Maybe you should be the one getting punished?” Ville whispered as he was yanked to a kneeling position.

“Maybe another day… today though… is your punishment.” Bam said as he wrapped the scarf around Ville’s wrists, binding them together. “And the safe word is grape…” Bam started, teasing Ville wish kisses before he grabbed the back of the Finn’s neck, slamming their mouths together.

Ville whimpered softly, licking his lips as the skater pulled away from him. He watched with increasingly lustful eyes as Bam tied the other end of the scarf down to the end of the bed, effectively restraining him.

“Mr. Valo… do you know why you are here?” Bam asked as he moved around Ville.

“I already told you I was innocent.” Ville stated back, watching Bam for as long as he could.

“Innocent boys don’t get sent to the principle’s office.” Bam said back as he crawled onto the bed behind Ville, reaching around him so he could start undoing his pants.

Ville drew in a sharp breath through his nostrils before answering, “Innocent principles don’t usually tie their students up…do they?”

Bam grabbed Ville’s hair with just enough force and yanked his head back. “Did I ask you for your opinion? Besides… I never claimed to be innocent.”

“What will you do with me?” Ville mock cried, trembling with excitement as the game continued.

“The same thing that happens to every bad boy…” Bam answered back softly, reaching into his pocket to pull out the cock ring, sliding over Ville’s already responding member.

“You are despicable…” Ville hissed in response.

“You love it…. Otherwise you wouldn’t keep coming back.” Bam said back simply. His hands pulled Ville’s pants down, quickly sliding his fingers between Ville’s legs so he could stimulate his premium.

“You make me sick… the thought of your hands on my body makes me sick.” Ville spat back.

Bam grabbed Ville’s hair again and yanked on it. “Don’t take my generosity lightly… I could make this punishment a lot worse. You do not want to make me mad.”

“I’m not afraid of you… you sick freak.”

“What did you say?” Bam asked, reaching back to swat Ville on the ass with his bare hand. The sound of skin against skin and the sound of the impact made Ville flinch and his body to tremble.

“I said you’re disgusting….”

“What?” Bam after smacking Ville harder on the ass.

“You’re a poor excuse for a human being.”

Bam smacked Ville on the ass hard enough that it hurt his hand. “What a filthy mouth you have there… maybe I’ll have to wash mouth out…”

Ville met Bam’s eyes with a look of defiance. “You can’t scare me with some fucking soap.”

Bam grabbed Ville jaw securely and smirked, “Whoever said I would use soap?”

There was a moment where Ville’s eyes shone with the thrill of knowing exactly what Bam was talking about wanting to do just that. He grinned though and quickly slipped back into character. “I’ll bite that little dick of yours off if you even think about putting it near my mouth.”

Bam grinned and swatted Ville’s ass twice and just as hard as the last time. It caused Ville to gasp and barely suppress the moan that wanted to break out. “Then what would I fuck that pretty mouth… or equally pretty ass with…if you did that?”

“Looks like I’ll have to find someone who actually knows how to use their dick.” Ville answered back with a smirk.

In response, Bam dunked his hand in a cup of water he kept next to the bed and reached back and smacked Ville. This time Ville was not able to stop himself from crying out, which quickly turned into a moan. “Are you ready to behave now and take your punishment?”

Ville bent over more as a silent signal for Bam to continue what they were doing, but take a different sort of step in what they wanted in the long run. “Never…”

Bam used his already wet, tingling hand, and started fingering Ville. “Just make it easier on yourself and give in to me.”

“You’ll have to take me… I’ll never give myself over to the likes of you.” Ville gasped out, biting down on his bottom lip as he secretly enjoyed the stimulation.

“You think I wouldn’t? That I wouldn’t just take what I wanted?” Bam asked as he continued to thrust his fingers in and out of the older man, stretching him in the process.

“You worthless piece of shit…. There is a special place in hell for bastards like you.”

“Is that supposed to frighten me? Because you are sorely mistaken…” He watched for a moment as Ville slowly got drawn into the pleasure he was feeling, hanging his head as he barely resisted the urge to moan in pleasure, his body soon moving against Bam’s fingers. Grinning to himself, Bam suddenly pulled his fingers out. “Grape…Oh look Niklas is up I should check on him.” He grabbed the monitor so Ville wouldn’t be able to look at it, sliding off the bed quickly.

Ville immediately sat up as quickly as he could. “You can’t leave me like this?! He can’t seriously be awake!” Ville cried, his body aching for more, his erection pounding with need.

“Oh but I’m afraid I have too… what kind of father would I be if I didn’t?” Bam answered back softly, trying to ignore the throb in his own pants.

“I need you….” Ville whimpered, pulling on the restraint as he attempted to get closer to the other man.

“I thought you found me disgusting and was refusing to have anything to do with me?”

“That’s before you said grape.” Ville whimped.

“Oh so it’s different now?” Bam asked as he slowly moved closer to Ville.

“I need you so badly.”

Bam crawled onto the bed, once more behind Ville. His hand played over the other man’s aroused length as he placed teasing kisses on his neck and shoulder. “Tell me how badly you need me.”

“So bad… I have to have you.” Ville moaned back softly.


“Because no one makes me feel the way you do. Only you could stat my lust.” Ville whimpered as he leaned back against Bam.

“Are you quite sure only I could?” Bam asked as he held on to Ville’s hips securely and stared grinding against his ass.

“Yes… yes…you and only you.” Ville cried as loudly as he dared, moving back against Bam. He whimpered in misery when the smaller man’s warm body was pulled away from his own. That quickly shared when he realized Bam was pulling his pants down. In a flash the restraints were undone and they were clinging on to one another.

They rolled around on the bed, caught in a passionate kiss that ended in Ville straddling Bam’s lap. With a quick thrust, Bam was in the other man, moaning as Ville repeatedly impaled himself on Bam’s own harden length. Before he came, Bam removed the cock ring, allowing them to find release together.



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