
Apr 13, 2008 00:49

Title: Shout In The Night
Author: myforgottenpain
Pairing: Vam, Missy/Jonna
Rating: PG-17
Summary:Sequel to 'Love On The Rocks' What happens when the public is made aware of how real Vam is? Will Bam and Ville be able to with stand this new hardship?
Disclaimer: I don't own anything connected to HIM, Ville Valo, or Bam Margera. Nor do I imply that in reality they are anything but friends....no matter how sexy that would be.
Warnings: Angst, Drama, joy, and fluffy love all wrapped into one little fan fiction
Authors Notes: Three...no I lied... Two Chapters left!

Returning home from their most recent trip to AA, Bam and Ville were greeted by a surprise. Leaning forward in his seat Ville squinted while shielding his eyes with his hand, "Jesse?"

As the car pulled into its parking spot, Jesse lept off the porch and went running over to his brother. "Surprise! Momma's in the kitchen making you something to eat."

Ville shook his head, embracing his younger brother. "What are you guys doing here?"

With a chuckle and a quick hug for his brother and Bam, Jesse replied, "Momma insisted on coming. Of course she said it was because papa was going to worrying himself into a heart attack... but we all know the truth."

Bam drew in a breath, rubbing his left temple for a moment, this was not what he needed right now. Taking his boyfriends hand, he followed the Valo men into the house.

"Ville!" Anita said happily, putting her spoon down so she could hurry over to her son. "We heard about everything that’s been going on. Why didn't you tell us you needed help?"

"I didn't want you to worry momma." Ville explained returning his mothers hug. "Besides I had Bam here to help me through it." He smiled at Bam for a moment, who seemed very pleased at receiving the compliment and gesture.

“If you had all the help you needed you wouldn’t have...” Anita started under her breath, smoothing Ville’s shirt. She was stopped short by Ville, surprised by the flash of anger in his eyes.

“Don’t you dare say another word.” Ville said with a stern tone. “Don’t...” He turned from her and moved over to Bam, who was frowning, head hung in silent shame.

Bam eyes moved as he looked up when he felt Ville touch his cheek.

“It was my fault... not yours. Remember what we talked about in group today?” Ville asked, leaning in to kiss Bam gently on the lips. “I put that bottle back in my hand, not you, not the media, not the paparazzi. Me, it was my choice. No one failed me but myself. You helped me take it back out. Alright?” Ville smiled, running his hand over Bam’s cheek.

Bam smiled, his eyes shinning with tears. “I know...” He whispered, leaning in to kiss Ville. When they looked away from each other, they realized Kari was standing next to them.

“I’m proud of you Ville.” Kari whispered, patting his son on the shoulder. “It takes a big man to face his mistakes, and an even better one to try and make things better.” He looked to Bam and smiled, patting him on the shoulder as well. “You’re doing a great job.”

“Kari... come taste this.” Anita called from the kitchen, having returned to the stove in mock hurt at how she had been treated. Her eyes were on Ville, who had followed Kari into the kitchen, as she shoved the spoon into her husband’s mouth.

“Tastes fine to me.” Kari answered blandly, knowing no matter what he said that it would be wrong. He threw his hands up in the air, gesturing dramatically to the ceiling when Anita tasted it and said it needed more pepper.

“So tell us about this group you are going too.” Anita requested gently, stirring her soup.

“Well we can’t talk too much about it, since it’s supposed to be private. We just meet with other people who are struggling with addictions to alcohol and talk.” Ville explained, soon standing at his mother’s side.

“Sounds silly to me.” Anita said, in a tone that screamed of sour grapes.

“It’s not though, its really helpful.” Bam said, his eyes catching movement from outside. Jess was playing touch football with Jesse and some of their friends. “It’s really helpful to talk things through...”

“Oh so you can talk to strangers about your problems, but you can’t talk to your own momma?” Anita asked frowning sadly.

Ville smiled at his mother for a moment, seeing the way she trembled next to him. He saw not the stern woman he had been raised by, but a frail being who didn’t want to ever admit that her son could handle things without her. Wrapping his arms around her, he hugged her. Her gasp of relief broke his heart, but the hug was enough to say that he would always need his momma, no matter how big he got. “I love you momma... but sometimes we just need to talk to someone who understands what we are going through.”

Anita blinked back her tears, straightening up, patting Ville on the shoulder; refusing to look weak. “I love you to Ville.”

Ville’s eyes moved from the cards in his hand, to the sliding door, when he heard it open. A smile formed on his lips when he spotted Bam, who had come out to have a cigarette. In light of the lovely spring evening they were experiencing, Ville, the Jess', and Kari were having a game of poker outside on the porch.

Bam walked over to Ville, blowing smoke slowly out before he ran his hand through the other man’s hair. “How is the game going?”

“The Jess’ are cheating.” Ville stated, sending their bothers a playful glare of anger.

“We are not.” Jess said, holding his hands out for a moment, as Jesse laughed. “Is it our fault that you guys suck?”

“I agree with Ville.” Kari said, tossing his cards down in disgust. “You two are cheating.”

“We are not!” Jess said, hushing Jesse who was laughing harder.

“U-huh...” Ville said, pulling Bam into his lap, kissing his shoulder once. “You two have some kind of secret code going on.”

“That doesn’t even make any sense.” Jess insisted, gathering the cards up to deal a new hand.

“Does he scratch his nose a lot?” Bam asked, leaning back against Ville. He laughed when Jess messed up the shuffle and sent the cards flying. “I thought so.” Bam chuckled more as he shared his cigarette with Ville.

“What does that mean?” Kari asked, looking between his flushed son and Bam’s brother who was insisting that Bam was just pulling his chain.

“It means... that he is cheating. We use the same code when we play cards together.” Bam explained. “A scratched nose means he has a good hand so don’t bet high. A tug on the ear means he spotted a good hand for the person to the left of him..”

“Fucker.” Jess said, frowning with mild disappointment. “You just had to ruin my fun didn’t you?”

“Why yes, yes I did in fact.” Bam said, chuckling with Ville.

“Jesse...” Kari said, looking to his son in shock. “I can’t believe you of all people would cheat your own father.” He said, eyes growing round, his bottom lip trembled as if his heart was shattering.

Jesse’s face fell, showing how upset he was that he had hurt his father. “It was their fault! The Valo men can not resist the evil power of the Margera men!”

“You little shit! This was your idea!” Jess yelled in mock anger, leaping from his seat to chase Jesse around the backyard. When he caught the younger man, he pinned him down and smacked him repeatly in the head like the three stoogies.

As soon as Jess and Jesse were gone, Kari laughed, lighting a cigarette.

“You’re not upset?” Bam asked in amused surprised, looking at Kari with amazement.

“Tricky old bastard isn’t he?” Ville put in, grinning at his father.

“You pick up a thing or two over the years.” Kari said, gathering the cards up so he could finish shuffling. “I knew they were messing around with us. It was fun to watch them pretend to be sneaky though. Come on Bam, play cards with us.”

“I would love too, but I promised Ava I would play high-ho cherrio with her before she goes to bed.” Bam said, standing up though reluctant to leave Ville’s embrace. “Maybe afterwards?”

“I would love too.” Ville said, kissing Bam gently.

“Not if your momma has anything to do with it. She has big plans for you tomorrow, and wants to tell you all about it as soon as everything settles down.” Kari let them in on what Anita was up too.

Bam frowned, “Oh well... maybe another night?” He looked to Ville and the older man could see the dejected look in his lovers eyes. “Have fun.” Bam added quickly before he headed into the house.

After Ava had gone to sleep in the spare room she would be sharing with her siblings, Bam had gotten talked into a game of monopoly with his parents and the Jess’. Why they had bothered to start such a long game this late at night was beyond him, but they were having fun and that’s all that mattered.

His eyes moved from the game board when Ville and Anita walked by. He smiled at the older man, surprised when Ville stopped next to him.

Ville silently leaned in and captured Bam’s lips for a kiss so deep, that Bam dropped the dice he had been holding.

“That counts.” Jess announced, moving Bam’s piece for him. “You owe Jesse $35 for landing on Park Place.”

Bam held up his finger since Ville still hadn’t relinquished his lips from the kiss he had initiated; in fact, Ville’s hand had slipped down his shirt. Bam gasped when Ville finally ended the kiss, his cheeks slightly flushed when he looked up at the older man.

“Let me know when you’re tired.” Ville simply said, as Anita called for him. He pulled his arm out from Bam’s shirt slowly, heading into the living room to spend time with his mother and father who were already in there.

Jess leaned closer to Jesse and whispered, “Just take a $100, he’ll never know it’s gone.”

“Jess!” April hissed in surprise at her son’s comment.

Carefully Jesse reached out and took one of Bam’s $100 bills, and slipped it in with his own. “You landed on my property... you owed me rent.”

Bam blinked, finally coming out the haze that had settled in from Ville’s kiss. “Oh, sorry.” Bam looked at the board and saw he was on Park Place, fishing out $35 he handed it to Jesse, surprised when Jess snatched it from him and handed it to Jesse.

“Bam they already took the rent from you!” April exclaimed, smacking Jess in the arm while Phil laughed.

"You did?” Bam asked in surprise, making Jess laugh harder and even Jesse to chuckle.

“You should have been paying attention!” Jess exclaimed, high-fiving Jesse, referencing a long standing rule in the Margera house hold. If you weren't paying attention when someone landed on your property and didn't claim it before the next person rolled, they didn't have to pay it. An amendment to that rule had been, if you weren't paying attention to the game and paid more than you should have for rent, you lost it the minuet you let go of the money.

“You know... you use to be a nice kid.” Bam said with a smile, indicating to Jesse, still unaware he paid $135 for rent.

“Another fine corrupting job done by the Margera brothers.” Jess said, wrapping his arm around Jesse neck, pulling his head down so he could give him a nuggie.








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