Title: As You Wish [3/?]
Author: moi! (Midge62680)
Rating: PG to NC-17
Pairing: Vam, possible others
Summary: "You shall no longer be the one making the wishes, my sweet fallen prince, but rather, the one who grants them."
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't know, don't sue. This is a fanfic, as in FICTION!
Dedication: To my lovely
meduusje for being my inspiration for this vammy fairy tale, and to
slasher48 for just being mine! ;-)
Previous Chapters (follow the links):
http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/3267013.html#cutid1 A/N: Thank you again to all those lovely sweethearts who enjoy this fairy tale, and for continuing to be such wonderful readers! Chapter 4 will be soon to follow; happy reading my darlings! <3
“Äiti! Äiti!” The boy in his dream called out, laughing as the warm spring air whipped through his chocolate brown locks. His green eyes sparkled with delight as the horse galloped towards the shore, and he wrapped his slender arms around his mother’s waist, the rippling of the animals muscles underneath him a poignant reminder that he was no longer in control of his own Fate.
“My dearest Viltsu, you are fine! We are almost there kulta; hold tight to me if you get frightened,” the boy’s mother cooed to him, assuaging his slight panic as the beach came into view.
The rhythmic crash of the waves on the shore seemed to synch with the beating of the boy’s heart as the horse came to rest at a near-by sand dune under the gentle cajoling of his mother. She slid off the majestic animal before her son; once her feet were solidly on terra-firma, the woman reached up to the boy, and he tumbled into her arms, sending them both crashing to the sand in a heap.
Hiccupping laughter could be heard from the two beauties with the matching emerald eyes as the woman sat up and pulled the boy into her lap, her warm embrace comforting him as he curled up into her soft frame. The two sat like that for a while: the woman rocking her son back in forth in time with the waves as she sung softly to him of love, dreams, and sacraments. He sighed contentedly, and although he was only six years old, the boy knew in that moment what a soul at peace must feel like…it had to feel just like this.
“Äiti,” the boy said softly after the woman had finished singing, the final few notes still ringing in his ears.
“Yes kulta?”
“Can we come down here like this to the shore more often? I like coming down here with you…”
The woman smiled sadly at her son, and laid a kiss a-top his head before speaking. “Viltsu, I would love nothing more, but I cannot promise you that we will have many more moments such as these for much longer. You are growing older, and you must begin to concentrate more on your studies…our fate depends on you doing what your father asks of you. Do you understand this kulta?”
“Yes äiti,” the boy replied softly. “If that is what you require of me, then I will try my best to do as you wish,” he promised his mother, the words flowing from his lips as he raised his head towards the ocean in a determined gesture. She tousled his curls before climbing to her feet, and once he had stood, she knelt before him.
“Never forget how much I love you Viltsu; never forget that I will forever be your äiti, and that you will forever be my kulta,” the woman whispered to her son as she kissed his cheeks.
“I know…” the words died on the lips of the boy as he glanced towards the slowly setting sun. Suddenly, he threw his tiny arms around the neck of his mother, and hugged her tightly. “I love you mama,” he breathed into her ear as he clung to her.
“I love you too Viltsu; now enough of this, yes? We must be getting back before dusk or your father will worry,” the woman declared as she pulled away from her son. She promptly scooped him up onto the back of the horse, and smiled when he brushed a rogue tear that had made its way down her porcelain cheek. Climbing onto the horse herself, she set off back the way she came as the boy buried his face in her hair, taking in her scent so to better capture the moment in his minds’ eye forever.
Looking back, the ocean, just moments earlier had been such a luscious shade of green. It now churned black as the night sky, and the horizon disappeared as the moon rose overhead. The once almost-serene crash of the waves was now beating angrily down on the shore, vengeful and destructive in their mission. Suffering was in the air, and far off, he could swear he could hear the distinctive sound of someone weeping. The soul crying out was almost drowning in its grief, and he groped through the darkness in an effort to find the source of the weeping soul, and comfort its owner. He reached the mouth of a cave, and charged inside. He gasped as the lost soul looked up at him, a familiar flash of green the last thing he gazed upon before feeling as though he was being dragged out to sea…
Bam shot up in bed, his body drenched in sweat as his heart clamored in his chest. It was a dream Bam, just a dream…a very realistic dream, but still a dream...even if that damn crying was in it, just like the crying I heard in my dream earlier… He raked his fingers through his sweat-soaked curls before rubbing the sleep from his eyes as his mind clung onto the dream he had just experienced. Bam could still smell the ocean in his nostrils, and still hear the soothing voice of the mother as she sung to her son…
But it was the heart-wrenching sound of the tortured-souls’ weeping that still echoed in his ears, overwhelming his senses with a feeling of panic and dread. The skater raised his fingers to his head and massaged his temples as he closed his eyes and tried to remember what he had seen in more detail. He could see the ink black ocean, the silvery reflection of the moon on the water as the waves slammed violently into the shore…and that flash of green…
Bam gasped as his mind connected the dream to the genie. The green in my dream...it’s the same color green as the eyes of the boy…and of the genie…oh my god is the boy the genie? And the one who was crying in my dream? Bam turned over on his mattress, remembering that the genie had fallen asleep next to him during the night, but found the bed, other than his own body, empty. Well, he couldn’t have gone far he thought as he took a deep breath, slowly letting it out as he contemplated his next move. First, shower; then, find the genie…I should really start calling him Ville, shouldn’t I? The skater mused as he headed into the bathroom, eager to wash away the feel of the dream that still clung to his senses.
A half-hour later, a refreshed Bam bounded down the stairs in search of Ville -- he was a man on a mission. As predicted, he didn’t need to go far to find the mysterious creature: the skater spied the genie’s lithe figure curled up in a chair outside on the deck. Bam couldn’t help but to smile as he took in the sight: the awkward attire from the night before was gone, and Ville had somehow procured for himself more appropriate clothing. Black, skin-tight jeans, not unlike the breeches he had initially appeared in, clung to the lower half of his body. The billowy blouse had been replaced by a button-down, silk shirt; the rich, blood-red color only served to highlight the bright emerald shade of his eyes. The beauty had brought one of the many fleece blankets that were strewn throughout Castle Bam out on the deck with him for protection against the Pennsylvanian winter; it was draped around his slender frame and wrapped around him like a cocoon. The genie’s hair lifted off of his shoulders in the gentle morning breeze, and the smoke from the cigarette that he was clearly savoring found itself swept up by the same breeze, destined to float up above him towards the sky. Pulling the hood of his sweatshirt over his head, Bam slipped out onto the deck without disturbing the man, and simply observed the scene set out before him for several moments until the genie spoke.
“Good morning Mast-I mean…Bam,” he said cheerily, turning his attention away from gazing at the forest on the vast property and towards his master. “I trust that you slept well?”
Bam nodded slightly in response before answering. “Yeah, for the most part…where did the clothes come from?”
The green-eyed creature rolled his eyes. “I am a magical genie Bam; you will find that I can provide many things for myself. I woke several hours ago, and took note of a few of the modern fashions that were displayed around your home. It is quite important that I be able to incorporate myself into this modern age; if I am unsuccessful at doing so, I may be discovered for what I truly am, and would therefore be unable to serve you to the best of my abilities,” the genie finished as he lit another cigarette with the dying embers of the one he had just finished smoking.
“Right…that makes sense,” Bam mumbled as he sat down on the chair next to mysterious being.
“Something is troubling you Ma--Bam; I can tell,” he said to the skater with a note of concern in his velvet voice. Having not been able to successfully tear Bam from his reverie with simple words, the genie reached out a willowy hand and rested it on his master’s knee, causing the blue-eyed boy to jump slightly.
Bam smiled meekly at the man sitting before him, and began to fumble with the hem of his shirt as he attempted to collect his thoughts. However, when the hand resting on his knee reached out and covered his fidgeting digits in a comforting gesture, the skater’s skin flushed red. His cerulean orbs rose to meet the genie’s jade ones, and the boy suddenly blurted out the first question that came to mind:
“What does äiti mean?” Bam asked, the words rushing from his mouth without a second thought…that was, until he observed the affect the word had on the genie.
The creatures eyes flashed darkly and he frowned as he pulled his hand away from Bam and stared off into the distance. “Why do you wish to know?” He asked his master, his voice controlled, yet somehow the undercurrent of emotion still evident.
The skater sighed, and considered his answer carefully before speaking again. “Well…um...you see…Ville…” Bam said softly, noting that upon hearing his proper name, the creature visibly stiffened. “I…I had this dream, and there were these words in it that I didn’t understand because they weren’t in English-“
“-that would be because they are more than likely Finnish, Master,” the genie interrupted, his cheery demeanor of moments before now gone, punctuated by the disobedient manner in which he disregarded Bam’s request to not be addressed as “Master.” The skater sighed and bowed his head, deciding that it would be best to ignore the blatant defiance for now…the genie was clearly upset by the word, and was simply reacting in a defensive manner.
“Okay...it was Finnish,” Bam said warily, weighing his options carefully. “I was wondering if maybe I could tell you about my dream, and maybe you could tell me what it means…please.”
The genie turned to his master and nodded curtly. “As you wish; tell me what you dreamt, and I will tell you what it means,” he responded flatly as he looked Bam in the eye.
About an hour later, Bam had managed to relay the most of his dream to Ville, and watched as the genie became more and more visibly disturbed by the various details of his masters’ dream. By the time the skater was done repeating his tale, tears shimmered in the creatures’ jade orbs, and Bam bit his lip, recognizing their state as the same as the eyes of the weeping soul in his dream. Several minutes passed in silence before the genie spoke, his voice monotone, yet seeming small and far away as he gazed off into the depths of the forest.
“The foreign words you heard in your dream were indeed Finnish. Äiti means ‘mother’ or ‘mama.’ ‘Kulta’ can mean several different things; however, in this case it means ‘darling.’ The location of your dream is the southern coast of Finland, which runs along the Gulf of Finland; more than that…I cannot tell you. It is more than likely a response to your recent trip to the country…I would not fret about it,” he concluded, lighting another cigarette with the snap of his slender fingers.
“I don’t believe you,” Bam answered, the words coming as an almost knee-jerk reaction to the simplicity of the genie’s answer.
“That is your prerogative; you asked for my council and I have provided it,” the creature answered calmly.
“I still don’t believe you,” the skater declared, his voice shaking ever-so slightly.
“I cannot help that,” the genie answered back softly as he cast his eyes downwards.
“Yes, you can,” Bam insisted, chewing on his lower lip as he watched the beauty shake his head from left to right.
“No, I canno-“
“Ville, what does ‘Viltsu’ mean?”
“What?” The genie whispered softly, his luminous jade orbs wide with shock as his head snapped up upon hearing Bam’s question.
“What does that word mean?”
“I…I do not know,” he stammered, turning away from Bam, his shoulders shaking slightly.
“You’re lying Ville; I demand that you answer me,” the blue-eyed boy commanded, hoping that his role as master to the genie would lead him to the answers he sought.
Ville swallowed hard as tears danced in his eyes. “It…it was my mother’s pet name for me Bam…I am...was her Viltsu…and she was my Äiti…” he said as the tears began to spill down his porcelain cheeks; the words stuck in his throat as he attempted to choke back what came out as a strangled cry. “Your dream Bam…it wasn't a dream…those are my memories…I don’t know why you are seeing them…” the creature declared as a sob escaped from what must have been the core of his being.
“Ville…” Bam began, his tone now gentle and soothing as he started to reach out to take the genie’s hand.
“NO!!!” He cried out as he jumped up and away from his master’s touch.
“Ville, please…” the skater pleaded softly, the sound of the genie’s weeping tugging at his heart as it matched the weeping of the broken soul of his dream perfectly.
“NO!!!” He sobbed angrily, and with a snap of his fingers, the heartbroken beauty disappeared.
And there you have it sweethearts! I do hope you all enjoyed it; special vammy cookies for anyone who knows what song the Queen sung to Prince Ville! :-)
Comments have been proven to keep my muse from running away; lots of love to you all!