The Stripper

Nov 18, 2007 13:23

Title: The Stripper
Disclamier: IF I EVER OWNED ANYONE IN THIS STORY I'D JUST ABOUT DIE! Oh...and yeah Ville Valo...well ummm read it cause he definatly wouldn't do anything in this. Though if he'd be hot. XP These usernames for a chat are in no way the suernames of the actual people. So don't go IMing them. Any similarties to those actually created is purely concindental and should in no way be IMed. Don't sue me, I have no money...I'm just a fan making a silly fanfic. ^^
Dedicated: Morphinesux and Midget666 (Just cause these people rock my socks off...Not to say no one else does!^^)
Rating: Pg-13
This is totally fiction....Fan Fiction...Go look it up....seriously -.-'

Tony and Bam emerged back into the house after a good seven hours of skating. The Pennsylvanian skater noticed his friend was passed out, on the couch with a fully drank cup of coffee dangling from his fingers. The Californian skater grinned and poked Bam in the ribs. They both looked at one another and thought it’d be funny to play a little joke on Ville. The Pennsylvanian skater ran to his bathroom and came out with shaving cream and a feather. Tony was already getting the cup out of Ville’s grasp. Bam tossed him the shaving cream and Tony put some on Ville’s hand. He giggled as quietly as possible when Bam went to go tickle the singer’s nose with the feather. Ville moaned and smacked himself clear in the face with the shaving cream and woke up. A pissed facial expression was on his face.

“Bam! Tony! You are both a pair of jerks!” Ville stood up and strode away into the bathroom. Bam and Tony fell to the ground in a fit of laughter. The Pennsylvanian skater noticed that Ville’s cell was ringing. He picked it up and heard someone rambling in Finnish.

“Hello? Oh hi Jussi. Ville’s in the bathroom being pissy at me. We played a little prank on him and…” With that Ville came out and snatched the phone from Bam.

“Hei, uh-huh. Yeah. Okay. I’ll tell him them. Alright. Bye.” Ville hung up the phone and his green eyes looked down at the younger male.

“Jussi, Linde, and Mige are going to be landing quite soon. You, Tony and I must go get them.” Bam sighed and got up off the floor with Tony behind him. They both looked down at their shoes and followed Ville. The singer glared at Bam as they got to the car. Ville watched as the younger male opened the Hummer and all of them piled inside. Bam drove off towards the airport in silence. They arrived at the airport and Ville immediately spotted Jussi. He hopped out of the car and ran to hug Jussi.

“Jussi!” They hugged each other and grinned. Linde and Mige came over and Ville ran to hug the both of them. All four men smiled and hugged with a bunch of stares from the other patrons leaving the airport. Bam and Tony came over and smiled. Bam felt inside that his heart was aching. He realized he was a little jealous of Jussi and why he had no clue. They all followed behind Ville like lost puppies. Bam got to his hummer and piled in their entire luggage as the guys piled into the Hummer. Ville, Jussi, Mige, and Linde all rambled in their native tongue with a bunch of laughter and grins on their faces.

“So Tony, we gonna head out to the demo tomorrow right?” Bam spoke to his friend who was sitting next to him. Tony looked at Bam and saw out of the corner of his eye a sad expression on Ville’s face.

“Yeah, I guess so. We could arrive later. The guy said we aren’t scheduled to skate until like Friday.” Bam nodded as he swerved out of the way of a squirrel. They all got to his house and still Ville was chatting away with his friends. Bam got out and Jussi went to help him while Ville and the other H.I.M. members went inside. Tony ran off to go skate on some part of Bam’s massive skate area.

“Hey Jussi, what’s up with Ville. He won’t talk to me and he’s like making sure I don’t know what you guys are saying. It’s starting to bug me.” Jussi looked up from the luggage he was setting down and sighed.

“Bam, you want me to be honest with you? Or would you rather I lie to you?” His accent was heavy over his words as he spoke. The sun glinted off his massive amounts of jewelry and his trench coat flooded around his feet.

“I’d rather honesty.” He sighed as he pulled out one of the random duffle bags. Jussi pulled out some of his luggage and looked Bam in the eyes.

“Well, he’s confused. You confused him. He told me and the other guys that you kissed him. Well, he doesn’t know what to make of it and, honestly, it’s why we are all out here. We are gonna talk with him about it and if you have any input…Well I can see if I can sneak it in there.” He looked at the skater and fixed one of his necklaces.

“I…Jussi, can I tell you something in total confidence?” Bam looked at the Finnish drummer and sighed. He looked down at his shoes and then back up to Jussi.

“Sure, go ahead.” He looked at the house and then back to Bam.

“Well, I think I’m in love with him.” Bam blushed slightly and pulled out the rest of the luggage. Jussi stood there and looked at him with a smug look on his face. He had known all along Bam loved Ville. The way the skater looked at him and his insatiable obsession told him fully that Bam was in love. No one person could be that obsessed with someone and not love them.


Comments= Love!   Here's chapter Eleven! What is our dear Jussi planning?
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